Ruby program to convert microsoft excel files into Dublin Core XML for import into Combine collections.
Reaper converts each tab in an excel spreadsheet of DC data into an dc:xml file.
- Use Ruby 2.7 or above
- Reaper uses the 'xsv' gem to read the spreadsheet data. Use the 'gem install xsv' command in your reaper directory.
- It also uses the ruby 'optparse' library to process the command line options you enter, this is includes as part of Ruby.
- Use the included dc_data.xlsx to prepare your tabular data for conversion to Dublin Core xml.
- Your data can be in multiple tabs in Excel and each tab will be converted to a new xml file when you run reaper.rb with ruby.
- Keep the dc_data.xlsx file in the same directory as the reaper.rb program.
- You can the dc_data.xlsx file and rename it, just use the new name as the input file for reaper.
- Use 'ruby reaper.rb -f dc_data.xlsx' to process the data. The excel tab names will be the resulting xml file names.
- Import the xml file directly into Combine as static xml.