Project Name: draw-something Node version: v16.13.0 Npm version: 8.1.0
A ‘Draw & Guess’ game for 2 players.
The first player starts the game by choosing between 3 given words,
then he will try to draw the word’s meaning.
The second player will see the drawing and will try to guess the word.
Once succeed, he will get to pick a new word, draw it, and so on.
Server was written with Express framework, using Mongo as db. Client was written with React
If you want to run mongo locally: first download and run mongo. If you have a running cusler, you can provide the connection config in server/.env file where MONGO_DB_URL = .
In order to run the project, please clone the repo and then run the following commands:
go to server folder:
run npm install
run node index.js
go to client folder:
run npm install
run npm start
You can also use it in production ! Since We are using the free version of heroku, you might suffer from a "cold start".