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master - update data to match Coffee Mania app
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gzd3 committed Oct 28, 2023
1 parent 915d068 commit b7e3d7e
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Showing 16 changed files with 293 additions and 141 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
49 changes: 48 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,51 @@

# Created by,macos
# Edit at,macos

### Jekyll ###
# Ignore folders generated by Bundler

### macOS ###
# General

# Icon must end with two \r

# Thumbnails

# Files that might appear in the root of a volume

# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items

### macOS Patch ###
# iCloud generated files

# End of,macos
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Gemfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
source ""
gem 'github-pages'
gem 'github-pages'
gem "webrick", "~> 1.8"
94 changes: 48 additions & 46 deletions _config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,76 +1,78 @@
#page title
page_title : # Automatically populates with app name if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.
page_title : Coffee Mania # Automatically populates with app name if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.

# App Info
ios_app_id : 1234793120 # Required. Enter iOS app ID to automatically populate name, price and icons (e.g. 718043190).
ios_app_country : us # Required outside USA. Enter 2 letter country code as in
ios_app_id : # Required. Enter iOS app ID to automatically populate name, price and icons (e.g. 718043190).
ios_app_country : uk # Required outside USA. Enter 2 letter country code as in

appstore_link : # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.
playstore_link : # Enter Google Play Store URL.
presskit_download_link : # Enter a link to downloadable file or (e.g. public Dropbox link to a .zip file).
presskit_download_link : # Enter a link to downloadable file or (e.g. public Dropbox link to a .zip file).
# Or upload your press kit file to assets and set path accordingly (e.g. "assets/").

app_icon : # assets/appicon.png # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter path to icon file manually.
app_name : # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.
app_price : # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.
app_description : Write a short tagline for your app.
terms_and_condition_link : #terms and condition link

app_icon : assets/appicon.png # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter path to icon file manually.
app_name : Coffee Mania # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.
app_price : free # Automatically populates if not set and if iOS app ID is set. Otherwise enter manually.
app_description : Coffee Mania is your ultimate companion for managing your caffeine intake and optimizing your daily energy levels.

enable_smart_app_banner : true # Set to true to show a smart app banner at top of page on mobile devices.

# Information About Yourself
your_name : Emil Baehr
your_link :
your_city : Copenhagen
email_address :
your_name : Kyryl Horbushko
your_link : https://[email protected]
your_city : Lviv
email_address :
facebook_username :
instagram_username : ebaehr
twitter_username : ebaehr
github_username : emilbaehr
instagram_username :
twitter_username :
github_username : gzd3
youtube_username :
mastodon_link :
mastodon_link :

# Feature List Edit, add or remove features to be presented.
features :

- title : GitHub Pages Jekyll Theme
description : Designed for GitHub Pages. Fork. Edit _config.yml. Upload screenshot/video. Push to gh-pages branch. Voilá!
- title : Free
description : Coffee Mania is available to users as a completely free app with no hidden costs. You can download and use the app without any charges, subscriptions, or in-app purchases. We believe in making caffeine tracking accessible to everyone, and our commitment is to provide a valuable and feature-rich experience at no cost to you
fontawesome_icon_name : check

- title : Track everywhere
description : Designed for iPhone and Apple watch, app is available for both your iPhone and Apple Watch, providing seamless integration and a unified caffeine tracking experience across your devices.
fontawesome_icon_name : magic

- title : iPhone Device Preview
description : Preview your app in the context of an iPhone device. Five different device colors included.
fontawesome_icon_name : mobile
- title : Dark and light mode
description : With our Dark and Light Mode feature, you can seamlessly switch between two visually pleasing themes to match your mood, environment, or time of day.
fontawesome_icon_name : adjust

- title : Video Support
description : Preview app video on the iPhone device simply by placing your video files in the videos folder.
fontawesome_icon_name : play-circle
- title : Widgets
description : Customize your home screen with widgets. Get a quick snapshot of your daily caffeine intake, allowing you to make real-time decisions about your next cup of coffee.
fontawesome_icon_name : arrow-alt-circle-down

- title : Automatic Icon and Metadata
description : Enter iOS app ID in the _config.yml file to automatically fetch app icon, price and App Store Link.
fontawesome_icon_name : sync
- title : HealthKit integration
description : Coffee Mania goes the extra mile to enhance your health and wellness by seamlessly integrating with Apples HealthKit platform. This integration ensures that your caffeine tracking is not only informative but also contributes to your overall health management
fontawesome_icon_name : heart

- title : Easy to Tweak
description : Tweak accent color, images, icons and transparency via the _config.yml file. No HTML/CSS needed.
fontawesome_icon_name : adjust

- title : Feature List
description : Add features (like this one) to your site via the _config.yml file. No HTML/CSS needed.
fontawesome_icon_name : star
- title : Choose your way
description : We understands that everyone has their own unique tracking preferences and needs. The app offers two distinct tracking modes - Daily Mode and Continuous Mode
fontawesome_icon_name : cogs

- title : Smart App Banner
description : Display a smart app banner on iOS devices.
fontawesome_icon_name : arrow-alt-circle-down
- title : Minimalistic
description : Coffee Mania minimizes the steps required to log your caffeine intake while still providing valuable insights. All you need - it's just a few taps
fontawesome_icon_name : adjust

- title : Social Links
description : Easily add social media accounts and contact info in the footer via the _config.yml file. No HTML/CSS needed.
fontawesome_icon_name : link
- title : Privacy
description : No tracker, no hidden data collection. We follow a strict "no data collection" policy, and your personal information is not collected, stored, or shared by the app. Your privacy is of the highest priority
fontawesome_icon_name : user-secret

- title : FontAwesome Support
description : Pick custom Font Awesome icons for the feature list via the _config.yml file. No HTML/CSS needed.
fontawesome_icon_name : info-circle
- title : No-ads
description : We offers an ad-free experience, ensuring that your caffeine tracking is not interrupted or compromised by intrusive advertisements. We believe in providing a clean and distraction-free environment for our users.
fontawesome_icon_name : ban

- title : # New Feature Title
description : # New Feature Description
Expand All @@ -89,9 +91,9 @@ cover_overlay_transparency : 0.8

device_color : black # Set to: blue, black, yellow, coral or white.

body_background_color : "#ffffff"
body_background_color : "#BEA79A"

link_color : "#1d63ea"
link_color : "#7E4F35"

app_title_color : "#ffffff"
app_price_color : "#ffffff"
Expand All @@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ app_description_color : "#ffffff"
feature_title_color : "#000000"
feature_text_color : "#666666"

feature_icons_foreground_color : "#1d63ea"
feature_icons_foreground_color : "#56330E"
feature_icons_background_color : "#e6e6e6"

social_icons_foreground_color : "#666666"
Expand Down
57 changes: 15 additions & 42 deletions _pages/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,61 +5,34 @@ include_in_header: true

# Changelog
Here you can keep a changelog for your app. Edit the markdown based which is located in the _pages directory. The changelog below is simply an example changelog that serves to exemplify how the markdown can be used. You can be as creative as you want with the markdown.


### `Latest`
# **Version 2.0**
This is the first update to our app. Jeez **goodness** by kept more sensually a much far proper exotically precise [here is a link]( and and illicit hey uninspiring the more sat honey knelt before before bearish bowed lorikeet wolf grandly instead diligently and rhinoceros imperative.

#### What's New
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- [Changes to Privacy Policy](/privacypolicy)

#### Bug Fixes
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- [Changes to Privacy Policy](/privacypolicy)


### **Version 2.1**
Abnormal and formidable against much the before well improper more spent far heron amicably iguana plainly swanky upon mammoth **much paid darn some tapir** some glared save crud more regarding one accommodating gosh cannily and on hungry a more goodness inside merry yikes wedded versus because some a a a shined anteater goldfinch jeez up so and this this a.
Coffee Mania is your ultimate companion for managing your caffeine intake and optimizing your daily energy levels. This innovative app is designed to help coffee enthusiasts and anyone else who relies on caffeine to stay alert and focused. With Coffee Mania, you can easily monitor your caffeine consumption and visualize your daily habits through intuitive graphs, all while enjoying the convenience of widgets and a sleek watch app.

#### What's New
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.



### `Initial Release`
### `Inaugural Release`
# **Version 1.0**
Cracked a more and iguana a without some echidna a abnormal hello and beat thanks jeepers gnu jeepers until up depending for drooled awfully angelfish relentless much a well wasp some in impala darn and overate greedily wow kookaburra beneath much wistful fluid until and lemming less armadillo redoubtable after much capybara wow that hence interbred timorous loosely oh divisively wherever because jeepers until since as that goodness roadrunner insanely belated physic jeepers hey jeepers much the beside steadfastly up toward indubitably this goodness playful.
This is the first update to our app.


## **Version 1.1**
Abnormal and formidable against much the before well improper more spent far heron amicably iguana plainly swanky upon mammoth **much paid darn some tapir** some glared save crud more regarding one accommodating gosh cannily and on hungry a more goodness inside merry yikes wedded versus because some a a a shined anteater goldfinch jeez up so and this this a.
We are immensely proud and excited to introduce the very first version of CaffeineTrack Pro. This release signifies the start of our mission to help you manage your caffeine intake and energy levels with precision and convenience. In this inaugural release, we've incorporated a wide range of features to cater to your caffeine tracking needs. Here's what's new:

#### What's New
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.


## Version 1.0.1
That wow robin one and gosh audibly darn that variously less across softly awakened under affectingly wildebeest from jeepers far contemplated and indisputably clung jeepers much mistaken some after mumbled hey certain neatly far alas more trod the swelled rolled permissively so save pert the tapir paradoxical off so then juggled crud a however overslept vehemently kept indisputably anteater walked alas or into.

#### What's New
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
- **Widgets**: Easily access your daily caffeine stats right from your home screen using our informative widgets. Stay in the know about your caffeine consumption at a glance, without the need to open the app.
- **Watch App**: We're thrilled to present the CaffeineTrack Pro Apple Watch app. Track your caffeine intake on the go, directly from your wrist. Stay in control of your energy levels, whether you're at your desk or on the move.
- **Dark and Light Mode**: Customize your visual experience with the choice of Dark or Light modes. Tailor the app's appearance to match your mood, surroundings, or time of day. Enjoy the perfect ambiance for your caffeine tracking.
- **HealthKit Integration**: CaffeineTrack Pro seamlessly integrates with Apple's HealthKit. This powerful feature provides you with invaluable insights into your caffeine habits within the broader context of your overall health and wellness.
- **Daily and Continuous Tracking Mode**: Select your preferred tracking mode, whether it's the fresh start of Daily Mode, or the continuous, ongoing tracking experience of Continuous Mode. Caffeine tracking has never been more versatile.
- **Minimal Action Mode**: For a streamlined tracking experience, we introduce Minimal Action Mode, which simplifies the caffeine tracking process with automatic detection and minimal user input.
- **Privacy and Data Security**: Your privacy is paramount to us. CaffeineTrack Pro is designed to be a privacy-focused app, ensuring that your data is not collected, shared, or used without your explicit consent. You can track your caffeine intake with confidence.
- **Ad-Free Experience**: We're dedicated to providing an ad-free environment for our users. Enjoy a clean and distraction-free caffeine tracking experience with zero interruptions.
- [Changes to Privacy Policy](/privacypolicy)

#### Bug Fixes
- Improved user sign up experience.
- Unlike deliberately zebra hen oh jeez understandable. Alas and quit oh snooty unlike deliberately.



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