Skybound is a voice activated platformer game that was created as a group final project for the Google Computer Science Summer Institute: Online (2020). See our Glitch project here*.
Skybound was created using p5.js, a JavaScript library, and the sound library. In order to play, the player must speak/yell into their mic in order to leap from platform to platform. The platforms come at different lengths and heights, so the player should time their shouts with the platforms. Try to survive as long as you can!
Later versions of Skybound include a shop, which is accessible from the home page. In the shop, the player can change their sprite, which comes in different colors and Google designs. The players earns coins by gathering them on the platforms within the game.
Most of the images used in the game were created by my team. The background was obtained from this tileset, and the platforms were drawn with this tileset in mind. The sprites, buttons, and logos were all drawn by my team members.
Due to differences in audio and security, Safari is the preferred browser for Skybound. Some visual/auditory glitches still occur when enabling sound preferences in-game. We plan to resolve these issues in the future.