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Items, Packages, Albums, and Tracks

har-nick edited this page Nov 5, 2022 · 2 revisions


Whoever worked on this was a monster. Who hurt you, you poor soul?

The best way to describe it is that every "album" or "track" you visibly see in your library isn't so. It's treated by the API as a record of your purchase with other details added in.

To use the underlying terminology, EVERYTHING you see is classed as an "Item", however that item can be multiple types.

Item Types

Here's a graph of item types with details added in where appropriate.

In JSON data, the item type can be represented in one of two String formats, an initial or a full word. These have also been included.

Type Details Data Representation
Album What you'd expect. A standard album. "a"
Track Similar formatting to an album, with most data nullified. "t"
Package To simplify it, this is a Track or Album with merchandise.
An example of this would be a vinyl purchase which includes online album access.

For an exhaustive breakdown of the data contained in each item type, head to API Data and Its Usages.

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