A "background music" app that allows businesses to easily curate the workplace mood with music in multiple locations using built-in and imported playlists
For many businesses, setting the right mood is very important. Choosing the right music can have a huge impact on customer experience. Yet store managers and owners often leave the music-choosing to whichever employees are working at the time.
This can be a risky proposition, especially in highly optimized environments like clothing stores and supermarkets. To try to maintain an appropriate musical environment conducive to commerce, employees often spend valuable on-the-clock time selecting and changing music to try to maintain an appropriate environment (guilty as charged!).
Why not automate your playlists on a schedule instead?
Built with
- Connects with Spotify accounts to extract Spotify user's data including playlists, likes and profile information
- Lets users input locations where they can then schedule playlists
To get this application running on your local system, simply clone down and from your terminal run 'rails s'. This will boot the rails back-end server on port 3000. In your browser navigate to to get started.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/harleyharl/work-and-play. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
This Application is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
MIT © Harley Rayner