Designing a controller for stabilization of pendulums to its equilibrium state with its animation.
Animation of Controlled motion.
Using Euler-Lagrangian equation to find a non-linear system of the given configuration.
Then the system was linearized about the equilibrium point. So that we can use the knowledge of linear system controller and can control system locally around the equilibrium point.
Choosing Q and R matrix big because given values of mass and lenght were very large and to change the dynamics we need such capable controller.
Linear system stabilized.
Stability of first pendulum with cart.
Stability of Second pendulum with cart.
Simulink system for nonlinear control
Internal structure of LQR of non-linear
Output of observer for linear system.
Simulink system for nonlinear observer.
Simulink system for nonlinear LQG controller.
Note: If details required refer to the following report.