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TS-Node-Express-Redis-Bull Template

Welcome to the TS-Node-Express-Redis-Bull template! Dive into a world-class development experience with this cutting-edge template, tailored for developers who seek excellence. Harness the power of TypeScript, Node.js, Express, Redis, and Bull to craft scalable, efficient, and robust web applications.

📂 Structure

  • src/app.ts: The main application entry point.
  • src/config.ts: Configuration settings for the application.
  • src/routes.ts: Defines the application routes.
  • src/setupDatabase.ts: Set up the database connection.
  • src/setupServer.ts: Configures and sets up the Express server.
  • src/shared/globals/helpers/error-handler.ts: Global error handler.
  • src/shared/globals/helpers/helpers.ts: Utility and helper functions.
  • src/shared/services/db/auth.service.ts: Authentication service.
  • src/shared/services/db/user.service.ts: User service.
  • src/shared/services/emails/mail.transport.ts: Email transport configuration.
  • src/shared/services/queues/auth.queue.ts: Authentication queue.
  • src/shared/services/queues/base.queue.ts: Base queue.
  • src/shared/services/queues/email.queue.ts: Email queue.
  • src/shared/services/queues/user.queue.ts: User queue.
  • src/shared/services/redis/base.cache.ts: Base cache for Redis.
  • src/shared/services/redis/redis.connection.ts: Redis connection setup.
  • src/shared/services/redis/user.cache.ts: User cache in Redis.
  • src/shared/sockets/user.socket.ts: User socket configuration.
  • src/shared/workers/auth.worker.ts: Authentication worker.

🌟 Features

  • TypeScript: Strongly-typed JavaScript for better developer experience.
  • Node.js & Express: Fast and scalable backend framework.
  • Redis: In-memory data structure store used for caching and as a message broker.
  • Bull: A Node.js library that provides robust job and message queue based on Redis.
  • Modular Structure: Organized and modular code structure for scalability and maintainability.
  • Error Handling: Global error handler for handling exceptions and errors.
  • Authentication: Built-in authentication using JWT.
  • Email Service: Integrated email service for sending emails.
  • Web Sockets: Real-time bidirectional event-based communication.
  • Workers: Separate workers for handling background tasks. ... and more!

Getting Started

  1. Redis: Set it up with this Guide
  2. Redis Commander: Get it running with this Guide
  3. Install dependencies: npm i
  4. Start the development server: npm run dev
  5. Run tests: npm run test
  6. Redis Cache URL: http://localhost:8081
  7. Bull Queues: http://localhost:5000/queues/queue/auth

API Request Examples

1. SignUp Request

To set your avatar image, you'll need to provide the image in a Base64 encoded format. Here's an example of the expected JSON structure:

POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/signup

Raw Body:

    "username": "orh4",
    "password": "zfq23546ydfg",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "avatarColor": "red",
    "avatarImage": "YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE_HERE"

2. SignIn Request

POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/signin

Raw Body:

   "username": "orh4",
   "password": "zfq23546ydfg"

3. Forgot Password Request

POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/forgot-password

Raw Body:

   "email": "[email protected]"

4. Reset Password Request

Note: You need to paste the token from the mail. Endpoint:
POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/forgot-password/:token

Raw Body:

   "password": "someNewPassword",
   "confirmPassword": "someNewPassword"

5. SignOut Request

GET http://localhost:5000/api/v1/signout

6. CurrentUser Request

GET http://localhost:5000/api/v1/currentUser