Redux Utils helps to setup basic boiler plate to use redux.dart
with flutter
Note: Still experimenting. Suggestions and PR welcome.
Specify the package in dev_dependencies
redux_utils: 0.0.3
Note: Use this tool only with new flutter projects, it does not support existing projects. Please commit the initial project before using this tool.
- First run
flutter packages get
after addingredux_utils
- From root of the flutter project run
flutter pub pub run redux_utils:main --setup
- Then run
flutter packages get
- Next, run
flutter pub pub run build_runner build
Redux setup is done, you can start using the package.
redux: '^3.0.0',
redux_epics: '^0.10.0',
flutter_redux: '^0.5.2',
built_value: '^6.1.3',
built_collection: '^4.0.0',
shared_preferences: '0.4.2',
rxdart: '^0.18.1',
uri: '0.11.3+1',
http: '^0.11.3+16',
intl: '^0.15.7',
build_runner: '^1.0.0',
built_value_generator: '^6.1.4',
flutter_launcher_icons: '^0.6.1',
- actions.dart
- app_repository.dart
- app_repository_provider.dart
- preference_client.dart
- api_client.dart
- api_routes.dart
- api_service.dart
- auth_middleware.dart
- middleware.dart
- app_state.dart
- models.dart
- serializers.dart
- reducers.dart
- assets.dart
- icons.dart
- utils.dart
- login_page.dart
- home_page.dart
- init_page.dart
- main.dart
- theme.dart
Hemanth Raj StackOverflow