distance.py - Implement the algorithm of distance field
EDA.py - Describe the distribution of the image after introducing distance field
data2D.py - Preprocessing of DICOM for 2D-UNet
2Dunet.py - Model & Training & Predicting for 2D-UNet
data3D.py - Preprocessing of DICOm for 3D-UNet
3Dunet.py - Model & Training & Predicting for 3D-UNet
data2D_df.py/data3D_df.py - Preprocessing phase With distance field (multiclass classification)
2Dunet_df.py/3Dunet_df.py - Model with distance field (multiclass classification)
data2D_reg.py - Preprocessing with df (regression)
2Dunet_reg.py - Model with df (regression)
outliner.py - Throw outliner dicoms (all black in ground truths)