v0.9.0-M1: Scala 3 support
Pre-releaseWhat's changed
This version adds preliminary support for scala3.
The deriveTraverse
macro functionality is still supported, but is not source-compatible with scala2's approach. The other derivation macros are not yet supported. We'd like to add support for those before the final version release.
Full changelog:
- Crossbuild scala-3 (#206) @Daenyth
- Modernize the sbt configuration, update to current cats (#194) @Daenyth
- Update build to sbt 1.5.1 (#191) @custommonkey
- Migrates from tut to mdoc (#192) @juanpedromoreno
- move COPYING to LICENSE.txt (#188) @pepegar
- remove mergify.yml (#186) @pepegar
- add sbt aliases (#184) @pepegar
- create repeatable nix environment (#183) @pepegar
- Stop cross-building reftree for scalajs (#182) @cb372
- Bump algebra and atto to versions with scala.js 1.0 releases (#181) @cb372
- Proposal: drop scala 2.11, upgrade scalajs to 1.1.1, cats to 2.2.0-M1, refined to 0.9.15 (#179) @oleg-py
- Modernize the Travis caching logic (#177) @ceedubs
- Update sbt to 1.3.13 (#176) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.2.0 (#171) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.3.10 (#170) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.3.9 (#169) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.5 (#168) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.4 (#167) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.3 (#165) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.2 (#161) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-mima-plugin to 0.7.0 (#162) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scala-native-crossproject, ... to 1.0.0 (#157) @scala-steward
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md (#109) @gitter-badger
- Update scalajs-compiler to 0.6.32 (#151) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalajs to 0.6.32 (#150) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.0 (#147) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-release to 1.0.13 (#149) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 0.6.31 (#138) @scala-steward
- Update scalacheck to 1.14.3 (#145) @scala-steward
- Update refined, refined-scalacheck to 0.9.12 (#152) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-mima-plugin to 0.6.4 (#156) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.3.8 (#155) @scala-steward
- Add Mergify for patch updates (#158) @angoglez
- Migrate project to Bazel 2.1 (#159) @tzimisce012
- Update sbt to 1.3.4 (#139) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-gpg to 0.2.1 (#140) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scoverage to 1.6.1 (#137) @scala-steward
- remove all usecase scaladoc tags, which crash sbt and prevent publishing (#136) @andyscott
- Add MiMa (#135) @travisbrown
- Update sbt-microsites to 0.9.7 (#131) @scala-steward
- Updates for Scala 2.13.0 (#134) @travisbrown
- Update sbt-release to 1.0.12 (#133) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 0.6.29 (#125) @scala-steward
- Update dependencies (#120) @xuwei-k
- cache generated traverse instance ot a val (#115) @pepegar
- Prevent unsafe use of .fix syntax (#114) @andyscott
- Misc preparation for next release (#113) @andyscott
- Increment cats to 1.6.0 (#112) @Voltir
- Bump scoverage up (#106) @juanpedromoreno
- move package from qq.droste to higherkindness.droste (#104) @pepegar
- Add an instance for Basis[CoattrF[F, A, ?], Free[F, A]] (#103) @txsmith
- Fix/update the Bazel build (#105) @andyscott
- Scalafmt (#94) @pepegar
- split project syntax (#98) @pepegar
- Add snazzy logos (#99) @andyscott
- Add preliminary stream type; Update equality checking (#92) @andyscott
- add more fixes to traverse derivation (#90) @pepegar
- Fix up Nu to alleviate some overly restrictive types (#91) @andyscott
- Fix arbitrary case classes on deriving companions (#87) @pepegar
- add zygomorphism (#88) @clayrat
- Docs module added to compose Microsite of the library (#86) @AntonioMateoGomez
- Mu no longer extends FunctionK (#85) @ceedubs
- More tweaks to optimize/fix CI build (#83) @andyscott
- Reform DefaultTraverse (#81) @xton
- Tweak JVM options (#82) @andyscott
- Add unapply methods for data types (#79) @ceedubs
- Add the "g" version of folds and unfolds to SchemePartialBasis (#78) @ceedubs
- Migrate to a cleaner and separate scalacheck module (#77) @andyscott
- Update Nix/Bazel/Scripts/CI (#74) @andyscott
- Support Scala 2.13-M4 (#75) @andyscott
- Change some suspicious flatMaps to maps (#73) @ceedubs
- Minor typo (#71) @bluemoon
- Foldable operations on Project (#68) @pepegar
- Fix minor typo in para scaladoc (#69) @ceedubs
- Derive traverse (#67) @pepegar
- Remove Tuple2 and Either aliases (#65) @andyscott
- make @deriveFixedPoint annotation work on AppliedTypeTrees (#64) @pepegar
- Rename cofree/envt/free/coenvt to easier attr names (#62) @andyscott
- add pre/postpromorphisms (#61) @clayrat
- add tests for apoM/paraM (#60) @clayrat
- add apoM and paraM (#58) @clayrat
- Clean up dependencies & fix binary compat with Scalacheck/Refined (#55) @andyscott
- add Basis for ListF/List (#54) @clayrat
- [WIP] Add RefTree module for visualizations (#46) @andyscott
- deriveFixedPoint macro annotation (#51) @pepegar
- add embed & project syntax (#52) @pepegar
- Split function based hylo to kernel object (#49) @andyscott
- Split data files and add CoenvT (#47) @andyscott
- Add really simple demo of recursion without Fix (#48) @andyscott-stripe
- Add Trans and TransM helpers (#45) @andyscott
- Flush out generalized monadic unfolds/folds/refolds (#44) @andyscott
- Rearrange most type params to be left-to-right according to "arrows" (#43) @andyscott
- Remove unused file (#42) @andyscott
- Substantially enhance the README (#41) @andyscott
- Treat GAlgebra/GCoalgebra as arrows (#40) @andyscott
- Rework for better composition (#39) @andyscott
- Setup sbt release plugin (#38) @andyscott
- RIP distributive law. Hello gather/scatter (#37) @andyscott
- Add gcata/gana (#36) @andyscott
- Add tests for scheme.futu (#35) @andyscott
- Add scheme.dyna (#34) @andyscott
- Add futu/histo/chrono (#29) @andyscott
- Bump various versions of plugins/scala/etc (#33) @andyscott
- Cleanup syntax; add attr method to make EnvT (#32) @andyscott
- added unapply method for Cofree and EnvT (#31) @xton-stripe
- Export cats-core & cats-free from core module (#30) @andyscott
- Minor cleanup; Add ability to unfold to cats.free.Cofree (#28) @andyscott
- Add Basis.Solve to fix bug with helper methods (#27) @andyscott
- Add curried type helpers for guiding type inference for unfolds (#26) @andyscott
- Add a required prelude for data (#25) @andyscott
- Split Nu and Mu to separate files; rearrange associated basis implicits (#17) @andyscott
- Add laws! Check Basis for Fix/Cofree/Nu/Mu (#16) @andyscott
- Split AlgebraIso into traits and one typeclass (#13) @andyscott
- Add a Bazel build (#12) @andyscott
- Add a string parser for athema expressions (#10) @andyscott
- Add code coverage (#9) @andyscott
- Add Nu example from the weekend (#8) @andyscott
- Add athema math engine, for fun/demo (#7) @andyscott
- Add apomorphism & paramorphism (#5) @andyscott
- Add documentation and diagrams (#4) @andyscott
- Add ana/cata w/ monadic variants (#3) @andyscott
- Rework core module (#2) @andyscott
- Add basic tree data types (#1) @andyscott
📈 Dependency updates
- Update refined, refined-scalacheck to 0.9.26 (#198) @47erbot
- Update sbt to 1.5.5 (#205) @47erbot
- Update scalacheck to 1.15.4 (#200) @47erbot
- Update algebra to 2.2.3 (#204) @47erbot
- Update sbt-scoverage to 1.8.2 (#202) @47erbot
- Update atto-core to 0.9.5 (#203) @47erbot
- Update sbt-scala-native-crossproject, ... to 1.1.0 (#199) @47erbot
- Update sbt-github, sbt-github-mdoc to 0.9.3 (#196) @47erbot
Contributors to this release
@47erbot, @AntonioMateoGomez, @Daenyth, @Voltir, @andyscott, @andyscott-stripe, @angoglez, @bluemoon, @cb372, @ceedubs, @clayrat, @custommonkey, @gitter-badger, @juanpedromoreno, @oleg-py, @pepegar, @scala-steward, @sloshy, @travisbrown, @txsmith, @tzimisce012, @xton, @xton-stripe, @xuwei-k, Alex Gryzlov and Jeff Martin