- 🔭 I’m currently working on increasing my skillset.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning a lot of stuff like DBMS, DSA, Flutter and Dart among others.
- 🥇 I'm proficient in Python and it's libraries.
- 🎓 I'm in my senoir year pursuing a graduate degree in CS.
- 🌟 Fun Fact: I Like Magnets🧲 and Cosmology. Let's have an existential crisis together.🙂
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
How I made my portfolio website in Flutter As we all know, all developers should build a portfolio website once in their journey. I realized that as well and started building one in 2022. It's a canon event. I used one of those free HTML website templates you find at HTML5 UP and deployed it... | |
Improving Flutter Web App Performance I have been building my portfolio website using Flutter Web (you can visit it by clicking here). Turns out Flutter kind of sucks when it comes to building websites. It happens because flutter builds WebApps and not websites. These webapps often stutt... | |
Fantastic Communities and where to find them Are you a seasoned developer or just breaking into tech? It's important to build relationships with like-minded individuals either way. Let's see how you can explore communities. What IS a community? A community (in the tech world at least) is a grou... |
Check out all my blog posts on Hashnode..
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