say Hello, World!
Given the src/test/resources/input/exercise2-in.json, produce output as xml that capitalizes the first and last name. Also, make the state abreviation all upper case.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise2-out.xml for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/national_championship.xml, produce output as json that is a list of all id's and first and last name concatinated together.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise3-out.json for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/national_championship.xml, produce output as json that is a list of id's and distance traveled. Order by shortest to farthest distance traveled.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise4-out.json for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/national_championship.xml, produce output as json that contains the following metrics:
- totalAge - Summed total age of all attendees
- avgAgeInt - Average age of all attendees as an Integer
- avgAgeFloat - Average age of all attendees as a Float to nearest tenth
- oldest - age of the oldest attendee
- youngest - age of the youngest attendee
See src/test/resources/output/exercise5-out.json for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/national_championship.xml, reorder output by team, last name, and first name.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise6-out.json for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/national_championship.xml, produce output as json that groups fans of the same team together, then sorts by the fans by last name, then first name.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise7-out.json for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/list_of_states.json, produce output as json that removes all directional states (States that start with North, South, East, or West) from the list.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise8-out.json for expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/list_of_states.json:
- Make the flowVariable abbrToName contain json that maps the abbreviation to the state name.
- Make the flowVariable nameToAbbr contain json that maps the state name to the abbreviation.
- Do not change the payload.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise9-abbr-to-name-out.json for abbrToName flowVars expected output and src/test/resources/output/exercise9-name-to-abbr-out.json for nameToAbbr flowVars expected output.
Given the src/test/resources/input/list_of_states.json, produce output as json that contains:
- abbreviation - All state abbreviations combined together in a comma seperated string.
- names - All state names combined together in a comma seperated string.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise10-out.json for expected output.
Given src/test/resources/input/list_of_states_dupes.json, remove duplicates and order the results in reverse alphabetical order.
See src/test/resources/output/exercise11-out.json for expected output.
Given src/test/resources/input/potential_palindromes.json produce json that contains: Note: do not consider white space, case, or non alphanumeric characters when determining if something is a palindrome or not.
- allPalindromes - true or false, identifies if all items in the list are palindromes (same forward or backwards)
- palindromes - comma seperated string of all palindromes
- containsNumericPalindromes - true or false, identifies if at least one list entry is a palindrome and is also contains only numerical values
- numericPalindromes - pipe, |, seperated string of all palindromes
See src/test/resources/output/exercise12-out.json for expected output.
Recreate FizzBuzz,, with dataweave. The output will be a json object where the key is the number, and the value is either the number, Fizz, Buzz, or Fizz Buzz: { "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "Fizz", .... }
See src/test/resources/output/exercise13-out.json for expected output.
Take the results of FizzBuzz (Exercise 13) and create three lists, one that is all the odd number entries, one that is all the even, and a third that contains all entries that are prime. The prime calculation will be handled by the isPrime flow, call it from dataweave. { "evens": [], "odds": [], "primes": [] }
See src/test/resources/output/exercise14-out.json for expected output.
Recombine the results of above Exercise 14, src/test/resources/input/evens_odds_primes.json, into an object that has a key of the number, and a value of the ordinalNumber: { "1":"1st", "2":"2nd" }
See src/test/resources/output/exercise15-out.json for expected output.
Trim whitespace (adjust one of the above?)
date coercion
create and and write a csv
zip array
split string into an array