Simple state/store manager based on Proxy.
createStore(name, object)
– creates new store with provided nameNOTE: Using with React or Preact you can pass
instead of name to create local component store.See Create local store.
withStore(config: string | object | array )
– subscribe component to store-
withStore({ user: ['firstName'] })
– to fieldfirstName
of storeuser
withStore({ user: true })
– to all fields of storeuser
– to all fields of storesuser
withStore(['user', 'auth'])
- to all fields of storesuser
withStore(['user', { auth: ['isAuthorized'] }])
- to all fields of stores
- and field
of storeauth
- to all fields of stores
connect(storeName: string, fields: string[], callback: () => void)
– subscribe callback to store. -
disconnect(storeName: string, fields: string[], callback: () => void)
– unsubscribe callback to store.
– returns original object (without Proxy wrapper)
import { createStore, connect, disconnect } from 'justorm'; // for VanillaJS
// or
import { createStore, withStore } from 'justorm/react'; // for React
// or
import { createStore, withStore } from 'justorm/preact'; // for Preact
NOTE: You don't need to unsubscribe from store when usign decorator
do it for you.
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props); = createStore(this, { count: 0 });
onClick = () => {;
render() {
const { count } =;
return [
'Hi there!',
<button onClick={this.onClick}>click me</button>,
Describe store and actions in one place. Demo.
createStore('user', {
isLogged: false,
login() {
this.isLogged = true;
logout() {
this.isLogged = false;
Specify store fields, that you want get updates from.
withStore({ user: ['isLogged'] })(function App({ store }) {
const { isLogged, login, logout } = store.user;
const onClick = isLogged ? logout : login;
const text = isLogged ? 'logout' : 'login';
return <button onClick={onClick}>{text}</button>;
Use withStore
as decorator for class components.
@withStore({ user: ['isLogged'] })
class App extends Component {
render({ store }) {
const { isLogged, login, logout } = store.user;
const onClick = isLogged ? logout : login;
const text = isLogged ? 'logout' : 'login';
return <button onClick={onClick}>{text}</button>;
import { createStore, connect, disconnect } from 'justorm';
const myStore = createStore('my-store', {
isLogged: false;
user: null
function onLoggedChange() {
console.log(myStore.isLogged ? 'Welcome!' : 'See ya!');
function onAnyFieldChange() {
console.log('Some field changed:', myStore);
connect('my-store', ['isLogged'], onLoggedChange);
connect('my-store', onAnyFieldChange);
myStore.isLogged = true;
// Welcome!
// Some field changed: { isloggeg: true, user: null }
myStore.user = 'Jess';
// Some field changed: { isloggeg: true, user: 'Jess' }
Object.assign(myStore, { isLogged: false, user: null });
// See ya!
// Some field changed: { isLogged: false, user: null }
// Some field changed: { isLogged: false, user: null }
disconnect('my-store', onLoggedChange);
disconnect('my-store', onAnyFieldChange);