This is the PyTorch code of the BagFormer paper. The code has been tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.13. To install the dependencies, please create a virtual environment and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
num of image-text pairs | BagFormer |
108M | Download |
Task | BagFormer |
Image-Text Retrieval (MUGE) | Download |
- Download MUGE Multimodal Retrieval dataset from the original website, and unzip file to data directory, or modify the path in configs/config_muge.yaml.
- To evaluate the finetuned BagFormer model on MUGE, run:
python3 \ --checkpoint path-to-finetuned-checkpoint \ --interaction bagwise \ --output_dir path-to-output \ --evaluate
- To finetune the pre-trained checkpoint. Then run:
python3 \ --checkpoint path-to-pretrain-checkpoint \ --interaction bagwise \ --output_dir path-to-output
- To compare bagwise interaction with cls_token or tokenwise interaction, run baseline:
# cls_token baseline, which is the BagFormer w/o late interaction model in the paper python3 \ --checkpoint path-to-pretrain-checkpoint \ --interaction cls_token \ --output_dir path-to-output # tokenwise baseline, which is the BagFormer w/o bagging layer model in the paper python3 \ --checkpoint path-to-pretrain-checkpoint \ --interaction tokenwise \ --output_dir path-to-output
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from PIL import Image
from ruamel import yaml
from transformers import BertTokenizer
from models.loss import tokenwise_similarity_martix
from models.model_helper import EmbeddingBagHelperAutomaton
from models.model_retrieval_bagwise import BagFormer
from MUGE_helper.dataset import get_test_transform
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
text_encoder = "bert-base-chinese"
max_seq_len = 25
config = yaml.load(open("configs/config_muge.yaml", "r"), Loader=yaml.Loader)
test_transform = get_test_transform(config)
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(text_encoder)
model = BagFormer(
checkpoint = torch.load(
"path-to-checkpoint", map_location="cpu"
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"], strict=False)
model =
embedding_bag_helper = EmbeddingBagHelperAutomaton(
tokenizer, config["entity_dict_path"], masked_token=["[CLS]", "[PAD]"]
product_image = test_transform("rumble_roller.jpeg"))
image = product_image.unsqueeze(0).to(device)
product_title = ["rumble roller", "nike zoomx vista"]
text = tokenizer(product_title, padding="max_length", max_length=max_seq_len)
embed_bag_offset, attn_mask = embedding_bag_helper.process(text, return_mask=True)
embed_bag_offset = torch.LongTensor(embed_bag_offset).to(device)
embed_bag_attn_mask = torch.LongTensor(attn_mask).to(device)
text = text.convert_to_tensors("pt").to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
# encode image and text
image_features = model.visual_encoder(image)
text_features = model.text_encoder(
text.input_ids, attention_mask=text.attention_mask, mode="text"
# get text bag feature
batch_size, seq_len, text_width = text_features.shape
embedding_input = torch.arange(batch_size * seq_len, device=device)
embedbag_feats = F.embedding_bag(
text_features.view(-1, text_width),
).view(batch_size, -1, text_width)
embedbag_feats = F.normalize(embedbag_feats, dim=-1)
# pad to same length
embedbag_seq_len = embedbag_feats.shape[1]
embedbag_feats = F.pad(
pad=(0, 0, 0, max_seq_len - embedbag_seq_len, 0, 0),
# calc bagwise similarity matrix
sim_i2t, sim_t2i = tokenwise_similarity_martix(embedbag_feats, image_features)
print("image feature shape:", image_features.shape)
# prints: torch.Size([1, 257, 768])
print("text feature shape:", embedbag_feats.shape)
# prints: torch.Size([2, 25, 768])
print("img2text sim:", sim_i2t) # prints: [[132.4761, 50.0424]
print("text2img sim:", sim_t2i) # prints: [[33.4206], [19.6727]]
If you find our work useful, please consider citing BagFormer:
title={BagFormer: Better Cross-Modal Retrieval via bag-wise interaction},
author={Hou, Haowen and Yan, Xiaopeng and Zhang, Yigeng and Lian, Fengzong and Kang, Zhanhui},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.14322},