[1.00.0] - 2022-12-31:
Main changes since 0.14.0
Tested Segger Embedded Studio Version: 7.10
- boards: add version info in banner.
- board: lcdc: move panel para to board
- components: spi component to support to transfer different width of data in dma handshake mode
- drivers: rename dram to femc
- middleware: cherryusb update to v0.7.0
- middleware: erpc: update for support rtos
- middleware: hpm_mcl: update api naming
- samples: erpc: rename erpc_matrix_multiply_rpmsg to erpc_matrix_multiply_rpmsg_bm
- samples: erpc: reorganize erpc_matrix_multiply_rpmsg samples
- samples: erpc: move samples folder to erpc_matrix_multiply_rpmsg
- samples: update i2c/spi dma channel and dmamux channel definition
- ses: project template: use demo.* as output file naming.
- soc: HPM6750: toolchains: update linker files
- soc: HPM6360: toolchains: update linker files
- arch: riscv: add read_clear_csr() API
- component: add wm8960 support
- component: add usb device iso transfer support
- drivers: hpm_common: include hpm_sdk_version.h.
- drivers: common: add NOP and WFI.
- drivers: uart: add api to recv/send byte directly.
- soc: HPM6750 linker files: rename rpmsg_sh_mem to sh_mem
- cmake: add sdk version header file generation.
- middleware: tinyusb: add audio class
- middleware: hpm_math: add NN library
- samples: erpc: add erpc_two_way_rpc_rpmsg_rtos sample
- samples: erpc: add erpc_matrix_multiply_rpmsg_rtos sample
- samples: add power mode switch demo. #282
- samples: drivers: adc: add a temperature measurement demo
- samples: drviers: femc: add sram sample
- samples: lwip demo for FreeRTOS
- samples: lwip demo of interrupt usage
- samples: tinyusb: add uac2 demo
- samples: tflm: add face detection demo
- samples: tflm: add MLPerf Tiny benchmark demo
- samples: lwip: common: feature: add a LPI interrupt process
- drivers:interrupt: Fix FPU context crashing in nested irq case
- drivers: src: adc: fix adc result in period mode
- segger: update app directory structure in SES.
- soc: disable irq during cache maintenance
- middleware: lvgl: fps calculation to No.
- samples: get off level based on board api.
- samples: multicore: hello: core1 rgb led does not change correctly.