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A flexible declarative HTTP mocking framework in Golang

ci Go Report Card Go Reference


Rio is a declarative HTTP mocking library for unit test in Golang and HTTP/gPRC mock server for integration test. Using the same framework for both kind of tests can help to share stub definition schema or codes between developers and testers easily. This framework has been used for thousands of test cases internally for a long time ago, but it just has been published recently (Rio is a variant of parrot)


  • Fast, simple and fluent API for unit test in Golang
  • DSL in YAML/JSON format for stub declarations
  • Supports wide-range response types (html, xml, json and binary)
  • Can be deployed as mock server (HTTP and gRPC) for integration test
  • Supports persistent stubs to database with caching to improve performance
  • Flexible for matching request by method, URL params, headers, cookies and bodies
  • Dynamic response with go-template
  • Automatically generates stubs with reserve proxy mode
  • Ability to run tests in parallel to improve speed
  • Support SDK in Golang and TypeScript/Javascript

How it works


How to use in unit test for Golang

Suppose that we want to test a function that calls API and parse the response data as the following example

func CallAPI(ctx context.Context, rootURL string, input map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	bodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(input)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, rootURL+"/animal", bytes.NewReader(bodyBytes))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	data := map[string]interface{}{}
	decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
	if err := decoder.Decode(&data); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return data, nil


Golang 1.18+


go get

No deployment is required for unit test


Write unit test with Golang

func TestCallAPI(t *testing.T) {

	ctx := context.Background()
	server := rio.NewLocalServerWithReporter(t)

	t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {

		animalName := uuid.NewString()
		returnedBody := map[string]interface{}{"id": uuid.NewString()}

		require.NoError(t, rio.NewStub().
			// Verify method and path
			For("POST", rio.EndWith("/animal")).
			// Verify if the request body is composed correctly
			WithRequestBody(rio.BodyJSONPath("$.name", rio.EqualTo(animalName))).
			// Response with 200 (default) and JSON
			// Body can be map, struct or JSON string
			// Submit stub to mock server
			Send(ctx, server))

		input := map[string]interface{}{"name": animalName}
		resData, err := CallAPI(ctx, server.GetURL(ctx), input)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		require.Equal(t, returnedBody, resData)

	t.Run("bad_request", func(t *testing.T) {

		animalName := uuid.NewString()

		require.NoError(t, rio.NewStub().
			// Verify method and path
			For("POST", rio.EndWith("/animal")).
			// Verify if the request body is composed correctly
			WithRequestBody(rio.BodyJSONPath("$.name", rio.EqualTo(animalName))).
			// Response with status 400 and empty body JSON
			// Submit stub to mock server
			Send(ctx, server))

		input := map[string]interface{}{"name": animalName}
		resData, err := CallAPI(ctx, server.GetURL(ctx), input)
		require.Error(t, err)
		require.Empty(t, resData)


How to use in integration test

Suppose that we want to test (manual or automation) an API that calls an external API by simulating a mock response for that external API. It can help us to create stable tests by isolating our test suites with external systems

Golang, TypeScript, Postman can be used to define and submit stubs to mock server. This repository illustrates how to use Rio to write integration tests in Javascript/TypeScript

Deploy Rio as a stand-alone service

See deploy. After deployed, Rio can be accessed by other services via a domain, for example http://rio-domain

Change the root url configuration of the external to mock server

Go to ENV management system to change the root URL to the mock server with the format: http://rio-domain/echo (Must include /echo at the end)

Perform manual test case

  1. Use Postman to submit stubs
  2. Use Postman to perform manual test with your API

Write an automation test cases

  1. Create a new server

This struct is used to connect with the remote server that we have deployed above, so we should provide the root url of that mock server when initializing the remote server struct

server := rio.NewRemoteServer("http://rio-server")
import { Server } from 'rio-ts-sdk'
server := Server('http://rio-server')
  1. Define a stub
resData :=types.Map{"data": uuid.NewString(),"verdict": "success"}
stub := rio.NewStub().
		For("GET", rio.Contains("animal/create")).
		WithHeader("X-REQUEST-ID", rio.Contains("<x-request-id>")).
		WithQuery("search_term", rio.EqualTo("<search-value>")).
		WithCookie("SESSION_ID", rio.EqualTo("<cookie-value>")).
    Send(ctx, server)
import { Stub, Rule, JSONResponse } from 'rio-ts-sdk'

resData :={data: uuidv4(), verdict: "success"};
stub := new Stub("GET", Rule.contains("animal/create"))
  .withHeader("X-REQUEST-ID", Rule.contains('<x-request-id>'))
  .withQuery("search_term", Rule.equalsTo('<search-value>'))
  .withCookie("SESSION_ID", Rule.equalsTo('<cookie-value>'))
  .send(ctx, server);

In the above example, the stub will be pushed to remote server via stub/create_many API. This should be done before performing a request to the test target service. Since the root url of the external service is switched to Rio service, the request will be routed to Rio service. Once a request comes, a generic handler in remote server will validate the following information

  • Validate method GET
  • Validate whether request's path contains animal/create
  • Validate query string search_term whether its value contains a predefined value
  • Validate X-Request-ID whether its value equals to a predefined value
  • Validate cookie SESSION_ID whether its value equals to a predefined value
  • If these conditions are matched, then return with predefined response

Request Matching

This is to verify incoming requests against predefined stubs. If all rules are matched, then the predefined response of matched stub will be responded

Match by method and url

NewStub().For("GET", Contains("/helloworld"))
new Stub("GET", Rule.contains("/helloworld"))
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "url": [{
      "name": "contains",
      "value": "/helloworld"

Match by query parameter

NewStub().WithQuery("search_term", NotEmpty())
new Stub("GET", Rule.contains("/helloworld"))
  .withQuery("search_term", Rule.notEmpty())
  "request": {
    "query": [{
      "field_name": "search_term",
      "operator": {
        "name": "not_empty"

Match by cookies

NewStub().WithCookie("SESSION_ID", EqualTo("expected cookie value"))
new Stub("GET", Rule.contains("/helloworld"))
  .withCookie("SESSION_ID", Rule.equalsTo("expected cookie value"))
  "request": {
    "cookie": [{
      "field_name": "SESSION_ID",
      "operator": {
        "name": "equal_to",
        "value": "expected cookie value"

Match by request body


NewStub().WithRequestBody(BodyJSONPath("$.name"), NotEmpty())
new Stub('GET', Rule.endWith('/helloworld'))
    JSONPathRule("$.name", Rule.notEmpty()),
    JSONPathRule("$.count", Rule.equalsTo(3000))
  "request": {
    "body": [{
      "content_type":  "application/json",
      "operator": {
        "name": "not_empty"
      "key_path": "$.name"

XML Path

NewStub().WithRequestBody(BodyXMLPath("//book/title"), NotEmpty())
  "request": {
    "body": [{
      "content_type":  "text/xml",
      "operator": {
        "name": "not_empty"
      "key_path": "//book/title"


NewStub().WithRequestBody(MultipartForm("field_name"), NotEmpty())
new Stub('GET', Rule.endWith('/helloworld'))
    MultiPartFormRule("field_name", Rule.notEmpty())
  "request": {
    "body": [{
      "content_type":  "multipart/form-data",
      "operator": {
        "name": "not_empty"
      "key_path": "field_name"

URL Encoded Form (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

NewStub().WithRequestBody(URLEncodedBody("CustomerID", EqualTo("352461777")))
new Stub('GET', Rule.endWith('/helloworld'))
    URLEncodedBodyRule("CustomerID", Rule.equalsTo("352461777"))
  "request": {
    "body": [{
      "content_type":  "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "operator": {
        "name": "equal_to",
        "value": "352461777"
      "key_path": "CustomerID"

Matching Operators

See operator for supported operators which can be used for any matching types including method, url, headers. cookies and bodies

DSL Golang TypeScript Description
contains rio.Contains Rule.contains Checks whether actual value contains given value in parameter
not_contains rio.NotContains Rule.notContains Checks whether actual value contains given value in parameter
regex rio.Regex Rule.regex Checks whether actual value matches with given regex in parameter
equal_to rio.EqualTo Rule.equalsTo Determines if two objects are considered equal. Works as require.Equal
start_with rio.StartWith Rule.startWith Tests whether the string begins with prefix. Support string only
end_with rio.EndWith Rule.endWith Tests whether the string begins with prefix. Support string only
length rio.Length Rule.withLength Checks length of object. Support string or array
empty rio.Empty Rule.empty Check whether the specified object is considered empty. Works as require.Empty
not_empty rio.NotEmpty Rule.notEmpty Check whether the specified object is considered not empty. Works as require.NotEmpty

Response Definition

Response can be defined using fluent functions WithXXX (Header, StatusCode, Cookie, Body) as the following example

rio.NewResponse().WithStatusCode(400).WithHeader("KEY", "VALUE")
new StubResponse().withStatusCode(400).withHeader("KEY", "VALUE")

The below are convenient functions to create response with common response content types

// JSON 

// XML

// JSON 
JSONReponse({fieldName: 'value'})

// XML


Status Code, Cookies, Header

resStub := NewResponse()
  .WithCookie("KEY", "VALUE")

resStub := new StubResponse()
  .withCookie("KEY", "VALUE")

new Stub('GET', Rule.contains('/path')).withReturn(resStub)
  "response": {
    "body": {
      "key": "value"
    "cookies": [{
      "name": "SESSION_ID",
      "value": "4e1c0c4d-b7d4-449e-882e-f1be825f1d27",
      "expired_at": "2023-01-07T12:26:01.59694+07:00"
    "header": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "status_code": 200

Response body


Use JSONResponse to construct response with JSON (parameter can be map or struct)

err := NewStub().For("POST", Contains("animal/create")).
    WillReturn(JSONResponse(types.Map{"id": animalID})).
    Send(ctx, server)
await new Stub("POST", Rule.contains("animal/create"))
  .willReturn(JSONResponse({"id": animalID})).
  "response": {
    "status_code": 200,
    "header": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "body": {
      "key": "value"


Use XMLResponse to construct response with XML

err := NewStub().For("POST", Contains("animal/create")).
    Send(ctx, server)
await new Stub("POST", Rule.contains("animal/create"))
  .willReturn(XMLResponse(`<xml><animal name="bird"/></xml>`)).
  "status_code": 200,
  "body": "PGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+",
  "header": {
    "Content-Type": "text/xml"

With XML data type, content must be encoded to base64 before submit stub as JSON directly to API. If you want to use raw string, submit with YAML format instead. See YAML for example


err := NewStub().For("POST", Contains("animal/create")).
    Send(ctx, server)
await new Stub("POST", Rule.contains("animal/create"))
  .willReturn(HTMLResponse(`<html> content <html>`)).
  "status_code": 200,
  "body": "PGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+",
  "header": {
    "Content-Type": "text/html"

With HTML data type, content must be encoded to base64 before submit stub as JSON to mokc API. Go and TS SDK handles this out of the box. If you want to use raw string, submit with YAML format instead. See YAML for example


We should upload file to server, then assign file id and appropriate content type to response. This also works for any other response types such as JSON, HTML, XML, ...

server.UploadFile(ctx, fileID, fileBody)
const server = Server('http://<mock-server>');
const fileID = await server.uploadFile('/<path/to/file>');

new Stub().withReturn(new StubResponse().withFileBody(fileID))
  "response": {
    "status_code": 200,
    "body_file": "<file_id>",
    "header": {
      "Content-Type": "<content-type>"


This is to redirect request to another url

resStub := NewResponse().WithRedirect("")
resStub := NewResponse().withRedirect("");
new Stub().withReturn(resStub);
  "response": {
    "status_code": 307,
    "header": {
      "Location": ""

Reserve proxy and recording

If we want to communicate with real service and record the request and response, then we can enable recording as the following

  • target_url is the root url of the real system
  • target_path is optional. If not provided, then the same relative path from incoming request is used
new Stub('', Rule.contains("reverse_recording/animal/create"))
  "proxy": {
    "target_url": "https://destination",
    "enable_record": true

The server will create a new inactive stub into database as the recorded result. This is very helpful for the 1st time we want to simulate the response for a service

Mock a download API

  1. Create an appropriate server (local for unit test or remote for integration test)
server := NewRemoteServer("http://mock-server")
  1. Upload file
b, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
require.NoError(t, err)

fileID, err = server.UploadFile()
require.NoError(t, err)

We can upload file using rest for integration test POST {rio-domain}/upload

  1. Create a stub
resStub := NewResponse().WithFileBody("image/jpeg", fileID)
err := NewStub().For("GET", Contains("animal/image/download")).WillReturn(resStub).Send(ctx, server)
  "response": {
    "body_file": "<uploaded_file_id",
    "status_code": 200
  1. Perform download request
req := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, server.GetURL(ctx)+"/animal/image/download", nil)
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
defer res.Body.Close()
// Read response body and assert

Create stubs using Postman

See Swagger for API specifications

JSON Format

The stubs (matching rules and the expected response) can be created through Rest API stubs/create_many, the below is example of body payload

  "stubs": [
      "active": true,
      "id": 1,
      "namespace": "",
      "request": {
        "body": [
            "key_path": "$.book.type",
             "operator": {
              "name": "equal_to",
              "value": "How to write test in Golang"
        "cookie": [
            "field_name": "SESSION_ID",
            "operator": {
              "name": "equal_to",
              "value": "27a6c092-3bdc-4f46-b1fb-1c7c5eea39e0"
        "header": [
            "field_name": "X-REQUEST-ID",
            "operator": {
              "name": "equal_to",
              "value": "f5dcaabc-caac-4c5e-9e06-6b1e935b756d"
        "method": "GET",
        "query": [
            "field_name": "search_term",
            "operator": {
              "name": "equal_to",
              "value": "4e1c0c4d-b7d4-449e-882e-f1be825f1d27"
        "url": [
            "name": "contains",
            "value": "animal/create"
      "response": {
        "body": {
          "key": "value"
        "body_file": "",
        "cookies": [{
          "name": "SESSION_ID",
          "value": "4e1c0c4d-b7d4-449e-882e-f1be825f1d27",
          "expired_at": "2023-01-07T12:26:01.59694+07:00"
        "header": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "status_code": 200
      "settings": {
        "deactivate_when_matched": false,
        "delay_duration": 0
      "weight": 0


If the response body is not JSON such as XML, or HTML. It is hard to use submit stub with JSON format since JSON does not support multiple lines. In that case, we should use YAML as the following example. Remember to add Content-Type=application/x-yaml (This is header of submit request, it is not header of the expected response)

  - active: true
    namespace: ""
        - content_type: application/json
          key_path: $.book.type
            name: equal_to
            value: How to write test in Golang
        - field_name: SESSION_ID
            name: equal_to
            value: 27a6c092-3bdc-4f46-b1fb-1c7c5eea39e0
        - field_name: X-REQUEST-ID
            name: equal_to
            value: f5dcaabc-caac-4c5e-9e06-6b1e935b756d
      method: GET
        - field_name: search_term
            name: equal_to
            value: 4e1c0c4d-b7d4-449e-882e-f1be825f1d27
        - name: contains
          value: animal/create
        status_code: 200
          Content-Type: text/html
        body: >
              This is HTML body type
      deactivate_when_matched: false
      delay_duration: 0s
    weight: 0

Advance Features

All these features are supported in Go and TypeScript SDK with the same function names

Support priority response

Sometimes, we want the server to return a fallback response if there is no stub are fully matched with the expectation. In this case, we should submit two different stubs to the mock server. Rio will get the stub with highest weight first, if the weight is not specified, the latest stub will be used

highPriority := rio.NewStub().
    For("GET", rio.Contains("animal/create")).
    WithHeader("X-REQUEST-ID", rio.Contains(uuid.NewString())).
    WithQuery("search_term", rio.EqualTo(uuid.NewString())).
    WithCookie("SESSION_ID", rio.EqualTo(uuid.NewString())).

lowPriority := NewStub().
    For("GET", Contains("animal/image/download")).
    Send(ctx, server)
   "weight": 10

Delay response

It is sometimes we want to simulate slow response API. Rio supports this feature by set delay duration

NewStub().For("GET", Contains("animal/create")).ShouldDelay(3 * time.Second)
new Stub("GET", Rule.contains("animal/create")).shouldDelay(3000)
  "settings": {
    "delay_duration": "3000000000"

Deactivate stub when matched

This is to disable the matched stub, it is not used for the next request. In the following example, the first request will return the first stub with higher weight, then that stub is not available for the next request anymore

NewStub().For("GET", Contains("animal/create")).ShouldDeactivateWhenMatched().WithWeight(2)
NewStub().For("GET", Contains("animal/create")).ShouldDeactivateWhenMatched().WithWeight(1)
  "settings": {
    "deactivate_when_matched": true


The namespace can be used to separate data between test case. This is helpful when a single mock server is used for many features and projects. Use this pattern as the root url<namespace>/echo. For example, we want to separate test stubs for payment_service and lead service, then set the root url for those service as below

  • Payment Service Root URL:

  • Lead Service Root URL:

If this url is used, then default namespace (empty) will be used

Dynamic response

The dynamic response uses the Go template to generate the response body programatically. The template is a string in YAML format as the following example. Since the JSON does not support multiple lines input, we should submit stubs in YAML format by providing the request body as the following example. Also, we should set the Content-Type header to application/x-yaml

Notes: While this is a powerful feature, we don't recommend to use this feature in the unit test and automation integration test. Because, it is more flexible and easier to debug when building the response using native language that we use to write the test. This template should use for manual test only

For supported function in Go template, see

Avaliable Variables

  • Request, can be access as {{ .Request.<Go-Field-Name> }}
  • JSONBody is parsed body in JSON format, can be used in go template as {{ .JSONBody.<json_field_parent>.<json_field_child> }}
  - active: true
    namespace: ""
        - content_type: application/json
          key_path: $.book.type
            name: equal_to
            value: How to write test in Golang
        - field_name: SESSION_ID
            name: equal_to
            value: 27a6c092-3bdc-4f46-b1fb-1c7c5eea39e0
        - field_name: X-REQUEST-ID
            name: equal_to
            value: f5dcaabc-caac-4c5e-9e06-6b1e935b756d
      method: GET
        - field_name: search_term
            name: equal_to
            value: 4e1c0c4d-b7d4-449e-882e-f1be825f1d27
        - name: contains
          value: animal/create
        script_schema_type: yaml
        script: >
            status_code: 200
                {{ range $cookie := .Request.Cookies }}
                - name: {{ $cookie.Name }}
                  value: {{ $cookie.Value }}

                X-REQUEST-ID: {{ .Request.Header.Get "X-REQUEST-ID"}} 
            body: >
                    "encrypted_value": "{{ encryptAES "e09b3cc3b4943e2558d1882c9ef999eb" .JSONBody.naked_value}}"
      deactivate_when_matched: false
      delay_duration: 0s
    weight: 0

Example for template in TypeScript this file

Mocking GRPC

Mocking grpc is mostly the same as mocking HTTP, the following are some minor differences. Currently, only Unary is supported. Even this gRPC mocking can be used with unit test, we recommend that we should not use it for unit test since it is not right way to do unit test with gPRC

Define a proto

  • Compress protos of a target service and its own proto dependencies into a single compressed file with the same package structure
  • Call API POST proto/upload to upload compressed file to the rio server. After uploaded proto file, the rest are the same as HTTP mocking

Define stub

Define stub for grpc the same as for HTTP mock with the following differences

  • method must be grpc as the following example
  • status_code: Must follow grpc code. Default = 0 for success response. For details
  • header: will be matched with request metadata (For example: X-REQUEST-ID)
  • cookie and query are not supported in GRPC
  "request": {
    "method": "grpc",
    "url": [{
      "name": "equal_to",
      "value": "/offers.v1.OfferService/ValidateOffer"
  "response": {
    "status_code": 0,
    "body": {
      "key": "value"
    "header": {
      "Header-Name": "HEADER-VALUE"

The response body is in JSON format. You can enable proxy with recording or look at the generated proto structure to know the response structure

Mocking GRPC error response

  "request": {
    "method": "grpc",
    "url": [{
      "name": "equal_to",
      "value": "/offers.v1.OfferService/ValidateOffer"
  "response": {
    "status_code": 3,
    "error": {
      "message": "This is error message",
      "details": [{
        "type": "common.v1.CommonError",
        "value": {
          "verdict": "record_not_found"

status_code: Must be greater than 0 details: Optional. This is to define detail of error. type: must be defined and its proto definitions must be included in the same compressed proto. value is a custom key value

Change the root url to rio

Note that the root does not contains /echo/ as HTTP mock, also namespace is not supported yet

How to deploy

This is to deploy remote mock server. These steps are not required for unit test

Setup database

Supported databases: MySQL or MariaDB


Deploy file storage

If LocalStorageType is used then Rio can only be deployed with single instance. The GRPC and HTTP services must access to the same directory that is defined in ENV FILE_DIR. If we want to deploy Rio as a cluster with multiple instances, then GCS or S3 must be used as file storage

Use S3




Deploy HTTP mock server

This is required even we want to use GRPC mock only because HTTP server is not only for serving mock requests, but also contains a set of API for submitting stubs

Deploy GRPC mock server

This is optional. The GRPC is to serve mock GRPC requests. If you just want to use HTTP mock, then can skip this step

Configure cache

The below are default configuration for cache. If we want to change cache TTL or change cache strategy, then adjust the following env. Otherwise, can ignore these configurations


The default strategy cache stubs and protos in local memory and invalidate if there is any update/insert/delete in database. If we want to do performance testing, then can change STUB_CACHE_STRATEGY to aside


Run test

There are few integration tests in these packages internal/database, internal/api and internal/grpc those are integrated with real database. Follow the following step to setup environment and run tests

  1. Install docker

  2. Run the below command to setup database for testing

make dev-up
  1. Run all tests
make test
  1. To cleanup testing environment
make dev-down

Commit Changes

Run the below command to format codes, check lint and run tests before commit codes

make all