Scripts to open new windows in i3wm/Sway using alternating layouts (splith/splitv) for each new window. These scripts were made for /u/ke7ofi after they asked a question on how to do this you can read the question here.
Clone this repository.
Then, for i3 add:
exec --no-startup-id /path/to/i3-alternating-layout
to your ~/.i3/config
Or, for Sway add:
exec /path/to/alternating
to your ~/.config/sway/config
This version has been forked to add an aspect ratio command-line argument. The previous behavior was to split vertically when the parent window's height is less than the window's width, but now, you may specify a maximum aspect ratio, above which a window will be split vertically. This is because:
- Many applications are designed with an assumption that the viewport will be wider than it is tall.
- On an ultrawide screen, the default behavior (essentially a max aspect ratio of 1.0) will not recreate a bspwm spiral-style layout - on for example, on a 21:9 screen, the spiral behavior will only start after two vertical splits.
To support additional CLI arguments, the script has also been rewritten to use the argparse
library, instead of getopt
Using regular i3/Sway, creating a window layout like this would involve a lot of $mod+Return
, $mod+h
and $mod+v
. Using this script, you only need to open a bunch of new windows!