This repository contains a Dockerfile which creates a Docker image for MariaDB with Galera Cluster.
The image is build on top of the existing official MariaDB 10.6 image on Docker Hub, which is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
TO build the docker images, do
docker build -t mydomain/galera .
To run the image, provide a Galera config file and a data directory for each cluster node, and start the nodes.
For the following example, a custom Docker network was created:
docker network create --subnet galera
Three Galera instances will be started using the IP addresses,
with hostnames nodeX and a data directory /srv/galera/nodeX
on the
Docker host, and with the published MariaDB service port set to 331X,
where X is in {1, 2, 3}.
A configuration file for the first node is:
wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://,,"
wsrep_cluster_name = "galera-cluster"
wsrep_node_name = "node1"
wsrep_node_address = ""
For the second and third node, exchange wsrep_node_name
The directories /srv/galera/node{1,2,3} directories have to be writable
by the mysql
user of the container, which has UID and GID 999.
mkdir /srv/galera/node{1,2,3}
chown 999:999 /srv/galera/node{1,2,3}
The first node can now be started with the command
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --net galera \
--name node1 -h node1 --ip \
-p 3311:3306 \
-v /srv/galera/node1.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/galera.cnf \
-v /srv/galera/node1:/var/lib/mysql \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret_galera_password \
On the second and third node, the command is issued without the
environment variable, thus connecting to the existing
cluster instead of building a new one. The MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
can also be omitted as the node gets the database state from the existing
cluster nodes. Instead, the MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD variable needs to be
present to indicate there is no new root password to be set.
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --net galera \
--name node2 -h node2 --ip \
-p 3312:3306 \
-v /srv/galera/node2.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/galera.cnf \
-v /srv/galera/node2:/var/lib/mysql \
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --net galera \
--name node3 -h node3 --ip \
-p 3313:3306 \
-v /srv/galera/node3.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/galera.cnf \
-v /srv/galera/node3:/var/lib/mysql \
The Galera cluster nodes are now reachable over the ports 3311, 3312 and 3313 on the hypervisor host. They can be reached from MySQL clients, e.g.
mysql -h -P 3311 -u root -psecret_galera_password
Note that for a real work cluster, the nodes should be started on different physical machines. To communicate with each other, the network setup has to be set up properly, e.g. by running an overlay network, or by using public IP addresses and exposing the ports needed by Galera cluster. See the Docker overlay network documentation and the Galera cluster documentation for details.
The Dockerfile deals with the fact that, in Galera
Cluster, the first node has to be started with a special parameter
(or a script galera_new_cluster
, which
does exactly that).
To achieve this, the Dockerfile adds a temporary file
to an otherwise unchanged official
MariaDB image. This file is deleted during the first invocation of a
newly instanciated container. Only if this file exists, and if a
non-empty environment variable GALERA_NEW_CLUSTER
was supplied
to the container, the MariaDB server is started with
and creates a new cluster.
Whenever a node is restarted, no new cluster will be restarted, because
the file /tmp/.wsrep-new-cluster
is no longer present. Instead,
the node reconnects to the other two cluster nodes.
This work is released under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE.txt for the full text of the license.