Cavetale installation manager for plugins and server software on test servers
---------------------------------------- Help -----------------------------------------
Interactive: java -jar Manager.jar
Single: java -jar Manager.jar <1+command(s)> <0+flag(s)>
-------------------------------------- Commands ---------------------------------------
Command | Info
exit | Exit interactive mode
help | Show usage help
install | Install plugins and server software
link | Link any .jar to the plugins directory
list | List plugins, categories, servers and server software
status | View installation status
uninstall | Uninstall plugins, server software and files
update | Update plugins and software
--------------------------------------- Flags -----------------------------------------
Flag | Info | Usage
-a --all | Select all |
-c --category | Specify categor(y/ies) | -s []:all | [categories]
-d --default | Normal console output |
-f --force | Force execution |
-h --help | Show command help |
-i --interactive | Enter command prompt mode |
-P --path | Specify a file path | -P <path>
-p --plugin | Specify plugins(s) | -p []:all | [categories]
-q --quiet | Reduced console output |
-s --server | Specify server(s) | -s []:all | [servers]
-S --software | Specify server software | -S []:all | [software]
-v --verbose | Detailed console output |
- Create a command executor that extends the Exec class and overrides the run() method to run your custom logic
- Add an entry to the Command enum with a description of your command and maybe some aliases that overrides the exec() method to run your command executor
- If required, create a new container for you flag options / arguments that extends the EmptyContainer class and overrides the option() and isEmpty() methods to run your custom logic
- Add an entry to the Flag enum with a description and maybe some usage help of your flag and a custom short ref if there already is another flag that start with the same letter that overrides the container() method to return your custom container
- Simply add a new entry to the respective enum with the data of your new entry