goorm is the cloud-based Integrated Development Environment. It is developed in only javascript and using various open source libraries. It is also an open-source project. goorm supports currently C/C++ and Java as well as HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript. Other languages will be supported with plugin. (future works).
- goorm is developing now and this repository provides only beta version.
- please, feedback to us about bugs and feature what you need. (email: [email protected])
install using npm :
$ npm install goorm -g
- Build your own cloud integrated development environment
- Support various plug-ins
- Collaborate on projects in real-time with other developers
- Design UI/UML
- Support syntax highlighting
- Powerful search/replace
- Customize your own goorm
- Manage your project via subversion/git
- Work with the useful terminal
- and so on...
node.js installation
install node.js :
$ git clone $ cd node $ tar -xvzf node-v0.8..tar.gz $ cd node-v0.8.2 $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install
check node.js installed successfully :
$ node -v
if node.js installed successfully, it prints node.js version as below:
$ v0.8.2
install npm (optional- latest version of node.js automatically install npm, so you may not install npm) :
it requires curl to install npm, install curl as below :
$ sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local $ apt-get install curl
then, install npm :
$ curl > $ sudo sh
clone goorm (git) :
$ git clone git://
checkout goorm (svn) :
$ svn checkout svn:// goorm
or using npm :
$ npm install goorm -g
run mongodb:
$ mongod
if mongodb installed successfully, it prints information as below:
... Thu Oct 4 23:26:15 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017 Thu Oct 4 23:26:15 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017 ...
run goorm.js :
$ node goorm.js start
run goorm.js (through npm) :
$ goorm start
run goorm daemon :
$ node goorm.js start -d $ goorm start -d
config (optional) :
$ node goorm.js set --workspace ~/workspace/ $ goorm set -w ~/workspace/ $ node goorm.js set --temp-directory ~/temp_files/ $ goorm set -t ~/temp_files/ $ node goorm.js set -f appId, appSecret $ goorm set --api-key-facebook appId, appSecret $ node goorm.js set -b consumerKey, consumerSecret $ goorm set --api-key-twitter consumerKey, consumerSecret $ node goorm.js set -g appId, appSecret $ goorm set --api-key-google appId, appSecret $ node goorm.js set -h appId, appSecret $ goorm set --api-key-github appId, appSecret
stop goorm daemon :
$ node goorm.js stop $ goorm stop
if goorm runned successfully, it prints information as below :
goormIDE:: loading config... /-------------------------------------------------------- workspace_path: /Users/goormUser/workspace/ temp_dir_path: /Users/goormUser/temp_files/ goormIDE:: starting... /-------------------------------------------------------- info - started goorm IDE server listening on port 9999 in development mode Open your browser and connect to 'http://localhost:9999' or 'http://[YOUR IP/DOMAIN]:9999'
run goorm.js:
$ node goorm.js
you can run the goorm as below URL in your web-browser (google chrome is hardly recommended) :
goorm is provided under the GNU AFFERO General Public License Version 3.0(AGPLv3)