- JDK 8+ installed with JAVA_HOME configures
- Gradle configured
- Java
- Groovy
- Spring Boot
Provide interface specifications for the above functions/capabilities. Provide an implementation of the formulated specifications. You can assume the phone numbers as a static data structure that is initialised when your program runs.
The contact-points microservice is part of customer master umbrella. The contact points ms, is responsible for maintaining customer's contact points like phone numbers which allows end users to read and write using REST API. Following are the 3 endpoints exposed by this microservice:
- GET /cm/v1/contactpoints/ : Fetches all contact points for all customers
- GET /cm/v1/contactpoints/customer/{customerId} : Fetches all contact points for the given customer
- PUT /cm/v1/state/ : Change the state of the contact point like Active, Inactive etc. Supported states are(case sensitive): 1. NEW 2. ACTIVE 3. INACTIVE 4. BLOCK 5. SURRENDER 6. HOLD
- A java based spring boot REST application which accepts HTTP requests in JSON format ONLY
- The program returns the custom result object which contains the output and errors(if any)
- The application uses in memory H2 database as the data store
- The initial data load or lov is located in resources/db/migration/V1.1__log.sql
- User of this application can add or remove data in the above mentioned lov sql file.
### Build the spring boot application
### Start the gradle Java application
./gradlew bootRun
java -jar build\libs\contact-points-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
Swagger can be found in the below url:
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/cm/v1/contactpoints/'
- Response
"customerId": "CM10000001",
"contactNoCode": "04",
"contactNo": 12345678,
"status": "NEW",
"creationTime": "2021-04-18T19:15:52.027+10:00"
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/cm/v1/contactpoints/customer/CM10000001'
- Response
"customerId": "CM10000001",
"contactNoCode": "04",
"contactNo": 12345678,
"status": "NEW",
"creationTime": "2021-04-18T19:15:52.027+10:00"
- Example 1:
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8080/cm/v1/contactpoints/state' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"customerId": "CM10000001",
"contactNoCode": "04",
"contactNo": 12345678,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"userId": "e10001",
"userNotes": "Activating contactNo"
- Response:
"customerId": "CM10000001",
"contactNoCode": "04",
"contactNo": 12345678,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"creationTime": "2021-04-18T21:20:15.816+10:00",
"userId": "e10001",
"userNotes": "Activating contactNo"
- Example 1:
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8080/cm/v1/contactpoints/state' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"customerId": "CM10000001",
"contactNoCode": "04",
"contactNo": 123456978,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"userId": "e10001",
"userNotes": "Activating contactNo"
- Response:
"errorId": "400 BAD_REQUEST",
"errorMessage": "numeric value out of bounds (<8 digits>.<0 digits> expected)",
"timestamp": "18-04-2021 09:25:16",
"fieldName": "contactNo",
"fieldPath": null