- JDK 17+ installed with JAVA_HOME configures
- Gradle configured
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Spring Framework
- Spring WebFlux - Reactive
Develop SpringBoot application and test a HTTP REST API in that fronts the OpenWeatherMap service: OpenWeatherMap name service guide: http://openweathermap.org/current#name . (Example: http://samples.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk) The service includes:
- Enforce API Key scheme. An API Key is rate limited to 5 weather reports an hour.
- A URL that accepts both a city name and country name.
- The API will reject requests with invalid input or missing API Keys.
- The API stores the data from openweathermap.org into H2 DB.
- The API will query the data from H2
- The response from openweather.org has been used to generate response classes using json2schema
- country: REQUIRED
- city: REQUIRED
- X-VANGUARD-API-KEY: REQUIRED - The token or API KEY to be used
The Weather Guard microservice is part of the many services provided by the organisation. The Weather Guard microservice, is responsible for maintaining:
- An API to query the weather details for a given city in a country
Following is the endpoints exposed by this microservice:
- GET vanguard/api/v1/weather?country={3DigitCountryCode}}&city={cityName}} : Retrieves the weather details for a given city in a given country
- A java based spring boot RESTful application which accepts HTTP requests in JSON format ONLY
- The program returns the custom result object which contains the output and errors(if any)
- The application uses in memory H2 database as the data store
- DB migration is being done using Flyway
- The clients to this API must pass an authorisation header X-VANGUARD-API-KEY
- 5 sample values have been mentioned in the application.yml under the property external.authhub.tokens.
- The sample values configured for the default profile are: sampletoken1, sampletoken2, sampletoken3, sampletoken4, sampletoken5
- The microservice also has an API KEY to invoke the external openweather.org which has been also mentioned in the application.yml in the property external.openweather.apiKey
- The microservice has also implemented Rate Limiter as per the SLA to restrict 5 requests per hour(configurable)
- The configuration can be adjusted in the application.yml
- The Rate Limiter is AOP annotation based and has been implemented in the service layer and not in web layer as only valid tokens should be considered
- Added jasypt encryption. Please refer to : https://github.com/ulisesbocchio/jasypt-spring-boot?tab=readme-ov-file
Encrypt text, use the following command:
./gradlew encryptProperties --password e.dfjksdifj+dj
- The client's API token X-VANGUARD-API-KEY is mandatory
- The client's API token X-VANGUARD-API-KEY should not be null and must match with the sample ones mentioned in the application.yml
./gradlew jacocoTestReport
./gradlew bootRun # Starts the server at port 8080
java -jar build/libs/weather-guard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Swagger can be found in the below url:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/vanguard/api/v1/weather?country=IND&city=Kolkata' \
--header 'X-VANGUARD-API-KEY: sampletoken1'
- Response
"description": "haze"
- Sample 5 tokens have been added in configuration application.yml
- Validation has been placed which allows only those 5 sample tokens
tokens: sampletoken1, sampletoken2, sampletoken3, sampletoken4, sampletoken5