My personal neovim lua config (requires neovim >= 0.8
- Minimum changes to default key mapping
- A good selection of carefully hand-picked plugins
- Lazy load plugins where possible
- Which-key to rule them all
- Misc utilities and goodies
lazy.nvim: lua plugin manager to auto-install and update our plugins
mason.nvim: automatic installation of LSP servers using the
smartyank.nvim: only pollute the clipboard when you really mean it (written by me)!
mini.surround: adds the missing operators (
) for dealing with pairs of "surroundings" (quotes, tags, etc)
vim-fugitive: git porcelain and plumbing in one by tpope, the Swiss army knife of git
gitsigns: git gutter indicators and hunk management
diffview.nvim: powerful git diff/merge tool (
to invoke for project|dotfiles)
Comment.nvim: use
to comment visual-blocks and lines -
mini.indentscope: add indentation markers based on
tabstop | shiftwidth
nvim-cmp: autocompletion framework
treesitter: text parsing library, provides better syntax highlighting and text-objects for different coding languages (e.g.
yank-a-function), see treesitter.lua for defined text objects -
lspconfig: configuration quickstart for nvim's built in LSP
conform.nvim: formatter plugin where LSP formatting isn't what you need, format
or lua withstylua
using thegQ
mapping. -
nvim-dap: set breakpoints and debug applications using Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP)
fidget.nvim: Eye candy LSP progress indicator above the status line (top right)
fzf-lua: the original, tried and tested fuzzy finder, lua plugin that does pretty much everything, written by yours truly
telescope.nvim: fuzzy search framework for searching project files, buffers, ripgrep and much more
oil.nvim: file explorer as a neovim buffer which also replaces netrw
which-key: a must plugin in every setup, when leader key (and some built-ins) sequence is pressed and times out which-key will generate a help window with your keybinds and also let you continue the sequence at your own pace
toggleterm.nvim: better term and REPLs (use
to send REPLs to an interpreter) -
previm: live preview markdown files in the browser with
heirline.nvim: DIY status line plugin, semi-minimalistic setup.
render-markdown.nvim: magical plugin rendering markdown files inside neovim