React components for IDMC website
Before you start, copy .env.example
as .env
and set the env variables.
# Start web app
docker-compose up
# Generate graphql files
yarn generate
# Build web app
yarn build
# Typescript check
yarn typecheck
# Eslint check
yarn eslint
# Check unused files
yarn check-unused
# Run tests
yarn test
# Clone proxy server
git clone [email protected]:toggle-corp/simple-proxy.git idmc-website-proxy
Before you start, copy .env.template
as .env
and set the env variables.
# Start proxy
docker-compose up
You will need to update the .env
file for your react application.
aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-file aws/cloudformation.yaml --stack-name preview-idmc-website-components --tags app=idmc-website env=preview --parameter-overrides Env=preview HostedZoneId=<HostedZoneId>
aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-file aws/cloudformation.yaml --stack-name release-idmc-website-components --tags app=idmc-website env=release --parameter-overrides Env=release HostedZoneId=<HostedZoneId>