Blokus Game Implementation
First Implementation of Blokus Game (in a local Apache Server)
- Index.php -> Only a single choice for rules.
- Header.php + Footer.php
- Rules.php -> Added buttons for login, register, logout and status text. Also, I will add a text the rules of the game.
- Game.php - > Nothing yet, but only a check if the user is logged in before he/she enters in Game
- Config.php -> DB Configuration
- Login.php, Logout.php, Register.php -> All the forms and the php code app needs for user Login - Register or Logout
Also, a local DB implementation based in MySQL with just users data. DB Structure for Users is this:
Users |
id (Key, Auto-Implement) |
Firstname |
Lastname |
Username |
Passwd (Hash Type Password) |
Score |
- Completed:
- Rules.php (Added game rules. Also, status if a user abort a game)
- Lobby.php (Analysis below)
- Helpers:
- check_game_status.php (Analysis below)
- checkReadiness.php (Analysis below)
- update_player_status.php (Analysis below)
- updateColors.php (Analysis below)
- In Progress:
- Game Board Implementation
- Game Helpers
- Game Moves
- Game Design
The lobby.php page serves as the central hub for players to join or create a Blokus Game. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities:
1. Joining a Game:
System finds if the player has already joined an existing game's ID (game_id). If not, finds the first available game that waiting for player (Status -> Not Active) and join the player in that game. If nothing of the above pass the validation, the system creates a new game and returns the game_id. Upon successful joining, the player has to choose two of the four colors and declare its readiness.
2. Player Information:
The page displays the current player's information, potentially including user ID and color.
3. Logout Functionality:
The page provides a mechanism for players to log out of the game session. Upon logout, the player might be redirected to a login page or disconnected from the game server.
Integration with Other Pages:
The lobby.php page interacts with check_game_status.php, checkReadiness.php, update_player_status.php and updateColors.php to validate those rules:
- check_game_status.php -> Checks if a game took an aborted status and transfers user to login page
- checkReadiness.php -> Checks if players are ready to proceed to game
- update_player_status.php -> Checks and returns all the colors players choose and updates database
- updateColors.php -> Finds and returns all players colors from Server
- HTML: The basic structure of the web page.
- CSS: Styling the page elements.
- JavaScript: Client-side scripting for user interactions, game logic, and network communication.
- XMLHttpRequest (XHR): Asynchronous communication with the server to fetch data or send updates.
- AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): A technique that uses XHR to create dynamic web applications without full page reloads.
- Server-Side Language: PHP
- Database: MySQL to store game data, user information, and game states.
- Web Server: Apache HTTP Server to serve the web pages and handle requests.
Version Control: Git for managing code changes and collaboration.
Game | Game Status |
game_id (Key, Auto-Implement) | status_id (Key, Auto-Implement) |
player1_id | game_id |
player2_id | gstatus ENUMERATOR |
player3_id | p_turn ENUMERATOR |
player4_id | result ENUMERATOR |
game_type ENUMERATOR | created TIMESTAMP |
player1_ready | |
player2_ready | |
player3_ready | |
player4_ready | |
player1_color | |
player2_color | |
player3_color | |
player4_color |
- Game.php - Page Completion
- I will transfer Login, Register in my Index page
- I will add User Login Status and Logout in every page