- yarn
- yarn install knex -g
- yarn run build
- yarn run swagger
- build
- yarn run build:docker
- yarn run start:docker-dev
- if run for the first time check
docker logs thor_api
and if there are any connection errors rundocker stop thor_api
andyarn run db
followed byyarn run start:docker-dev
- connect to http://localhost:5400/browser/
- login as postgres/qwe123
- add server, connect to thor_db
Migrations are run based on config files from config directory. In order to use proper configuration set NODE_ENV env variable to desired value before running knex, ie. : NODE_ENV=development-pawel yarn run db
- create: knex migrate:make NAME
- seed: knex seed:make NAME
- run seed: knex seed:run
- rollback: knex migrate:rollback
Dev scripts are run from console. The required program for executing scripts is NodeJS.
Dev scripts are stored in path ~/dist/dev/console
List of scripts are below:
- Certify business verified customer :
- certify-bvc.js {{businessVerifiedCustomerId}}
- Create tenant:
- create-events.js {{tenantName}} {{tenantEmail}}
- tenantName can not contain spaces or white space
- tenantEmail has to be validate email
- create-events.js {{tenantName}} {{tenantEmail}}
- Get dwolla events:
- get-events.js {{limit}} {{offset}}
- limit can not be greater than 200
- offset is optional
- get-events.js {{limit}} {{offset}}
- Transfer to Thor:
- transfer-to-thor.js {{withdrawalFundingSourceId}} {{amount}}
- Verify funding source:
- verify-fs.js {{fundingSourceId}}
example usage:
node /dist/dev/console create-tenant.js thor [email protected]
- Commit the build to the branch
- Find the version tag in Google Container Repository
- Get the credentials for the desired cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME}
- Push the image to the cluster
helm upgrade --values ${VALUES_FILE} thor-api kubernetes/thor-api --set env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY="us.gcr.io/odin-214321/thor-api" --set env.TAG=${BUILD_TAG} --wait --timeout 600
Install gcloud CLI tools
Install Helm locally
brew install kubernetes-helm
Select the project
gcloud set project ${PROJECT_ID}
Create the cluster
gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \ --preemptible \ --zone us-west1-a \ --scopes cloud-platform \ --enable-autorepair \ --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 1 --max-nodes 10 \ --num-nodes 1
Get the credentials for the desired cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME}
Create a global static IP address
gcloud compute addresses create ${STATIC_ADDRESS_NAME} --global
Add IP address to your domain DNS
Install Tiller on Cluster
kubectl create serviceaccount tiller --namespace=kube-system kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin helm init --service-account=tiller helm repo update
Create a namespace
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/requirements/namespace.yaml
Create the credentials
Here is an example yaml file:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: credentials namespace: thor-api data: dwolla_key: XXXXXXXXXXX dwolla_secret: XXXXXXXXXXX dwolla_webhookSecret: XXXXXXXXXXX mailer_mailgun_domain: XXXXXXXXXXX mailer_mailgun_key: XXXXXXXXXXX db_connection_host: XXXXXXXXXXXX db_connection_password: XXXXXXXXXXXX
Where the data field is a map. Its keys must consist of alphanumeric characters, ‘-’, ‘_’ or ‘.’. The values are arbitrary data, encoded using base64.
- Creating/updating a secret:
kubectl apply -f ${CREDENTIALS_YAML}
- Retrieving a secret:
kubectl get secret ${SECRET_NAME} -o yaml --namespace=thor-api
- Encoding a secret to base 64:
echo -n '${STRING_TO_ENCODE}' | base64
- Decoding a secret from base 64:
echo -n '${STRING_TO_DECODE}' | base64 --decode
- Creating/updating a secret:
Deploy the storage key
- Create a new service account with storage admin access using the Google Cloud Console
- Download the json key file
kubectl create secret generic storage-key --from-file=key.json=${KEY_FILE} --namespace thor-api
Deploy the application
helm install --values ${VALUES_FILE} kubernetes/thor-api --set env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY="us.gcr.io/odin-214321/thor-api" --set env.TAG=${BUILD_TAG} --name thor-api --namespace thor-api
Initially set the ingress->enabled key to false
Deploy Cert Manager
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetstack/cert-manager/release-0.6/deploy/manifests/00-crds.yaml --namespace=thor-api helm update repo helm install --name cert-manager stable/cert-manager --namespace=thor-api
Add Let's Encrypt Issuers
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/requirements/production-issuer.yaml --namespace thor-api kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/requirements/staging-issuer.yaml --namespace thor-api
Deploy TLS Ingress Resource
kubectl apply -f ${CERTIFICATE_YAML} --namespace thor-api
Note: change the issuer reference to 'letsencrypt-staging' for testing
Add Jenkins Access