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gobus is a rest communication platform. It permits the communication between processes through rest calls. It can be used in microservice architectures, Internet of Things (IoT) or other rest based systems. There is no need for configuration before running gobus, all configuration (e.g. creation of resources) is done through rest calls.

It has the following features:

  • items
  • collections
  • resthooks for "real-time" communication.
  • forwarding (reverse-proxy)

Gobus can handle any type of content, be it text or binary. Content related to the use of gobus (e.g. hooks) use json. It uses as datastore.


To build gobus you need to have golang installed. In the src directory in your GOPATH do the following.

git clone
cd gobus
go build

Additionally you need to install redis. You can install it via your operating system (e.g. dnf, apt-get) or from

Optionally you can run the tests and view the coverage (redis needs to be running for the tests):

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out && go tool cover -func=coverage.out


Before running gobus, redis has to be running. You can then start gobus by calling the executable:


This will listen on localhost:8080 for your requests. To configure the port, set the environement variable PORT to the desired port.

Gobus can be used from any programming language supporting http calls. For go you can use gbclient to use gobus. The following examples use curl from the command line to show how to use gobus.


Creating a resource is done with a Put request

curl -X PUT -d '{ "some": "data" }' http://localhost:8080/my/item

To get the content of an item which has been created before, just make a regular GET request:

curl http://localhost:8080/my/item

Deleting is straightforward.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/my/item


Creating a collection is done with an empty PUT request

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/my/collection

Adding an item to a collection is done with a POST request:

curl -X POST -d "some item data" http://localhost:8080/my/collection

The location of the newly created resource is returned in the "Location" header as well as in the body

To get the content of a collection, just make a regular GET request. This returns a list with all items in the collection.

curl http://localhost:8080/my/collection

Then you can get the items you like via another GET request.

Collections can only be deleted when they are empty.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/my/collection


If a process is interested in a certain resource, it can create a hook on it. Every time the hooked resource is modified (e.g. by a put), the hook url is called with details on what happend in a json structure. Creating a hook is done with a POST request to the url "_hooks" with json data, the resource has to exist:

curl -X POST -d '{"name": "a_hook", "url": "http://localhost:8090/my/hook"}' http://localhost:8080/my/item/_hooks

The json data in the response has the following fileds:

  • name: the name of the hook
  • method: the method that was called on the resource
  • item: whether the modified resource is an item or a collection
  • url: the url to the modified resource


Gobus can act as a reverse proxy on defined resources. To forward any calls to /my/item to http://localhost:8090/my/item/\_forward, perform a PUT on an existing resource with the following json content:

curl -X PUT -d '{"url": "http://localhost:8090/my/forward"}' http://localhost:8080/my/item/_forward

Everything except commands is forwarded to the given url. This permits e.g. to delete a forward:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/my/item/_forward


gobus - rest message bus written in go






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