Our Kubernetes applications.
First we initialize helm:
helm init
Then we setup the proper RBAC config for helm on the Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
This needs to be done once for every cluster we set up.
You can add this charts repo by:
helm repo add skyscrapers https://skyscrapers.github.io/charts
The actual Helm charts index is being hosted in GitHub pages in this same repo (gh-pages
git branch).
The charts and the charts index are automatically updated by Concourse when new commits arrive
on the master branch. see the ci
repository for more details
on the setup.
First you need to generate a values.yaml
using the
module, then you can just start installing:
helm upgrade --install kube2iam stable/kube2iam --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml --values helm-values-kube2iam.yaml
helm upgrade --install kube-lego stable/kube-lego --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml --values helm-values-kube-lego.yaml
helm upgrade --install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml
helm upgrade --install external-dns stable/external-dns --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml --values helm-values-external-dns.yaml
helm upgrade --install kubesignin skyscrapers/kubesignin --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml
# TODO helm upgrade --install concourse-web skyscrapers/concourse --values values.yaml
helm upgrade --install prometheus-operator opsgoodness/prometheus-operator --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml --values helm-values-prometheus-operator.yaml
helm upgrade --install k8s-monitor skyscrapers/cluster-monitoring --namespace infrastructure --values helm-values.yaml