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This Dockerfile sets up a container using Alpine Linux with both Tor and Nginx services. It installs the necessary packages, creates a non-root user named torrin, and configures Tor as a hidden service that forwards traffic to Nginx.

The web content is served from /var/www/html, and both Tor and Nginx are configured to run with proper user permissions and directory structures.

The container exposes ports 80 and 9050, and runs both Tor and Nginx in the foreground, allowing the server to be accessed through the Tor network.


# Clone this repository:
$ git clone

# Create a strong random password to use in the tor configuration:
$ TORPOD_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32)

# Update the Dockerfile on line 8
$ cd torpod-http/
$ sed -i "s|\"GENERATED_KEY_HERE\"|\"$TORPOD_KEY\"|" Dockerfile

# In the torpod-http directory, build the image:
torpod-http/:$ docker build -t torpod:latest .

# Run the container:
torpod-http/:$ docker run -d --name torpod torpod:latest 

# Get the onion address (hostname):
torpod-http/:$ docker exec -it torpod cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname

# Clean up:
$ docker stop torpod && docker rm torpod && docker rmi torpod:latest

Key Components:

  • Base Image: Uses alpine:latest as the base image for a lightweight container.
  • Installing Dependencies: Installs Tor and Nginx via the Alpine package manager (apk) without caching the package list (--no-cache).
  • User Creation: Adds a non-root user torrin and associates the user with the group nginx to ensure services run as a non-privileged user.
  • Tor Configuration:
    • Sets environment variables for user and group.
    • Verifies the Tor configuration and generates a hashed password.
    • Creates the directory for a Tor hidden service and sets the correct permissions.
    • Configures Tor to run as a hidden service by updating /etc/tor/torrc.
  • Exposed Ports: Exposes ports 80 (HTTP) and 9050 (Tor SOCKS) for incoming connections.
  • Nginx Configuration:
    • Sets environment variables for user and group.
    • Creates necessary directories for serving web content and logging.
    • Copies a custom nginx.conf configuration file into the container.
    • Verifies Nginx's configuration.
  • Working Directory and Files: Sets the working directory to /var/www/html and copies web content from the host.
  • Running the Container: Runs both Tor and Nginx simultaneously, ensuring both services stay active.