NodeJS script that uses the aws sdk to bulk create/update parameters in aws paramstore
This could refactored to bulk create pretty much anything from the sdk for aws system store.
Checkout the project
ensure you have the aws cli and loged into a admin profile or a profile that has the needed iam permissions to create system manager items.
install the dependencies
npm ci
Take a look at the params-example.json for a super simple example, add what ever you are trying to add.
run the script
node index.js --name {name 1} {name 2} --stage {stage 1} {stage 2} {stage 3} --path ./params-example.json
You can pass in the individual names and environments you want to create or don't pass anything and it will try to deploy all of them.
note path is a requirment.
"name": "example-service-name",
"dev": [{
Name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
Value: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
AllowedPattern: 'STRING_VALUE',
Description: 'STRING_VALUE',
Overwrite: true || false,
Policies: 'STRING_VALUE',
Tags: [
Key: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
Value: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
/* more items */
Tier: Standard | Advanced | Intelligent-Tiering,
Type: String | StringList | SecureString
/* more items */
"stage": [],
"prod": []
- define aws config
- define path to params file
- unit test