Releases: ipkpjersi/ArigatouAnimeTracker
-Changed related anime and more details to be two per row
-Significantly improved duplicate anime checking
-Fixed null error for guest viewing pages
-Added other anime on detail page
-Added ban/unban user button to user detail page
-Added deleting reviews for admins
-Fixed include spoilers checkbox being bottom aligned
-Round anime scores to 2 decimal points
-Upgraded to Laravel 11
-Added modifying sort order on detail page sorts entire list option
-Implemented anime modifying sort order detail page resorting
-Added duration to imports
-Added duration to anime detail page
-Display human-readable durations on anime detail page
-Fixed re-sorting existing entry
-Added rating to additional data
-Added rating columns
-Updated progress label
-Added more margin for the delete from anime list button
-Added pagination variable
-Added rating display info to anime detail page
-Added fields to AAT export JSON
-Added extra MAL fields
-Added extra MAL fields data
-Improved anime additional data download re-running
-Added MAL prefix to ranked