Last update: july 2024
sudo apt install sdkmanager
Start sdk manager:
- Product category: JETSON
- System configuration: Host Machine, Target Hardware: Jetson Orin NX 16GB
- SDK Version: Last
- Additionnal SDK: No
- Target components: Jetson Linux, Jetson Runtime Components, Jetson SDK Components
- Select Manual set up for JETSON ORIN 16G
- OEM configuration: Runtime
- Storage Device: NVME (To change if not)
- Plug a screen to the JETSON, it will allow to set it up during runtime when flashing is finished
- Follow instructions (Recovery pin is below fan) and Flash
- name: jrluser
- computer name: callmXv (X = callm robot number)
- username: jrluser
- password: jrluser
- login automatically: yes
4) If no Internet connexion on JETSON, Set up a temporary connection !!!(Before continuing installation of SDK components via sdkmanager)!!!
- The JETSON should have internet through the USB cable connected to your computer or WI-FI
- If not, plug a Ethernet cable between the JETSON and your computer
- And in the 'wired connection settings' of your computer, set the IPV4 method to: 'shared with other computer'
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt reboot
- In power Settings, blank screen: never
- username: jrluser
- password: jrluser
- IP Adress:
- proxy: No proxy
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-hwe-team/backport-iwlwifi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install backport-iwlwifi-dkms
- Restart the computer, WI-FI should be available.
sudo reboot
For faster connection:
- Open '/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf' and set wifi.powersave = 2
- name: jrluser
- computer name: callmXc (X = callm robot number)
- username: jrluser
- password: jrluser
- login automatically: yes
- In power Settings, blank screen: never
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
- Restart the computer
- Connect the NUC to internet via another way (Ethernet, USB, Bluetooth)
- Follow instructions:
- First, the JETSON, the NUC and your computer should be on the same network
- Set up your computer with (press 'enter' for all inputs, keep default installation):
- Send necessary files to JETSON and NUC with (replace X by robot's number):
bash X
- connect to the JETSON with (replace X by robot's number):
ssh -X [email protected]
- Set up with (press 'enter' for all inputs, keep default installation):
cd call_m_workspace/
Change CUDA version to 12.5 (This is the one installed in
- For that, replace or add those line in .bashrc file:
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.5/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Update the computer
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
- Restart the computer
- Source ROS2: add the line 'source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash" in home/.bashrc file
- Install ZED SDK, NVIDIA Jetson version, Manually:
- You can use filezilla to transfer the file from your computer to the JETSON: 'filezilla' in Jetson terminal
- Then
chmod u+x <filename>
(press 'enter' for all inputs, keep default installation))
- Restart the computer
- connect to the NUC with (replace X by robot's number):
ssh -X [email protected]
- Set up with (press 'enter' for all inputs, keep default installation):
cd call_m_workspace/
- Source ROS2: add the line 'source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash" in home/.bashrc file
- Restart the computer
- Restart your computer to ensure everything is correctly installed
- In the CALLM github root repository, open /robot_ws_ros2/, and follow QUICK START section.