- Represents constants in the low-level language.
- Possible values:
IntConst Int
: Integer constant.BoolConst Bool
: Boolean constant (True
: Unit constant.
- Represents commands in the low-level language.
- Possible values:
Push Const
: Pushes a constant onto the stack.Pop
: Pops the top element from the stack.Trace
: Removes the top of the stack and adds it to the trace, pushes a Unit.Add
: Arithmetic operations.And
: Logical operations.Lt
: Comparison operations.
- Parser for skipping white spaces.
- Parser for constants.
- Parses integer constants, Boolean constants (
), and unit constant (Unit
- Parser for commands.
- Parses commands such as
, arithmetic operations, logical operations, and comparison operations.
- Parser for an entire program.
- Parses a sequence of commands separated by semicolons.
- Takes a string input representing a low-level program.
- Returns either a list of commands or a parsing error using
Either ParseError [Com]
: Pushes a constant onto the stack.Pop
: Pops the top element from the stack.Trace
: Removes the top of the stack and adds it to the trace, pushes a Unit.
: Adds the top two integers on the stack.Sub
: Subtracts the second integer on the stack from the top integer.Mul
: Multiplies the top two integers on the stack.Div
: Divides the top integer on the stack by the second integer.
: Performs a logical AND operation on the top two Boolean values on the stack.Or
: Performs a logical OR operation on the top two Boolean values on the stack.Not
: Negates the top Boolean value on the stack.
: Checks if the second integer on the stack is less than the top integer.Gt
: Checks if the second integer on the stack is greater than the top integer.
- Represents constants in the Interp2 language.
- Adds new values:
Sym String
: Symbol constant.Closure (String, Env, [Com])
: Closure constant.
- Represents commands in the Interp2 language.
- Adds new commands:
: Swaps the top two elements on the stack.Call
: Calls a closure on the top of the stack.Return
: Returns from a closure.Bind
: Binds a symbol to a value in the environment.Lookup
: Looks up a symbol in the environment.Ifte [Com] [Com]
: Conditional execution.Fun [Com]
: Defines a function.
- Represents the environment in the low-level language.
- Associates symbols with constants.
- Parser for the
command. - Parses conditional branches.
- Parser for the
command. - Parses function definitions.
- Takes a stack, environment, trace, and program as input.
- Evaluates the program and returns a trace.
- Handles all previous commands with the addition of stack manipulations (
), conditional execution (Ifte
), function definitions (Fun
), and function calls (Call
- Helper function to search for a symbol in the environment.
import Interp2_Eval
main :: IO ()
main = do
let inputProgram = "Push 1; Bind x; Fun Push x; Call; Return; Trace;"
result <- parseProgram inputProgram
case result of
Left parseError -> putStrLn $ "Parse Error: " ++ show parseError
Right commands -> do
let trace = eval [] [] [] commands
putStrLn $ "Trace: " ++ show trace
- Contains the AST data types for an OCaml-like functional programming language
- Parser for high-level language is not included
- ASTs for test cases were obtained from CS 320 AST representation in OCaml and reconstructed in Haskell
- Enumerations representing unary and binary operators, respectively.
- Represents the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a high-level language.
- Includes expressions for integers, booleans, unit, unary and binary operators, variables, function definitions, function applications, let bindings, sequence of expressions, conditional (
), and tracing.
- Translates an expression in the high-level AST into a low-level AST from interp2.
- Handles different AST node types by calling specialized translation functions.
- Translates unary operators (Neg and Not) into corresponding low-level instructions.
- Translates binary operators (Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, And, Or, Lt, Gt, Lte, Gte, Eq) into corresponding low-level instructions.
- Translates a variable into a sequence of instructions to perform a lookup in the environment.
- Translates a function definition into a sequence of instructions to create a closure.
- Translates a function application into a sequence of instructions to execute the function.
- Translates a let binding into a sequence of instructions to bind a value to a variable.
- Translates a sequence of expressions into a sequence of instructions, popping the result of the first expression before executing the second.
- Translates an if-then-else expression into a sequence of instructions.
- Translates a trace expression into a sequence of instructions.
- Translates an entire Interp3 AST into a sequence of instructions.
- Decompiles a single command (Com) in the low-level AST into a human-readable string.
- Handles different command types and their corresponding decompilation.
- Decompiles a constant (Const) in the low-level AST into a human-readable string.
- Handles different constant types.
- Decompiles an entire low-level AST program into a human-readable string.
- Utilizes
to decompile individual commands.
- Parses a string representation of an decompiled low-level program program, translates it into an low-level AST, and evaluates it using the low-level interpreter.
- Returns the trace of the evaluation.
- Execute high level programs using: evalWrap (decompile (translateAST (highLevelParser high_level_program)))
- Parsed high-level AST is translated into low-level AST, which is decompiled into a string program, which is evaluated by evalWrap
- All functions are provided except highLevelParser