MoneyMoover is a Java CLI currency exchange application using Retrofit API that I developed with four other students at the National University of Singapore for CS2113 (Software Engineering and OOP) during the Spring 2023 semester. For the project, we needed to develop a program using the OOP paradigm, and best SWE practices. THe DG and UG contain relevant usage documentation, and UML and Sequence Diagrams showing the breakdown of the project. Please see the AboutUs page for credit for the other devs, and a link to my individual contributions to the project, including the API.
MoneyMoover is a CLI application for managing and transferring international currencies, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the features of other money management applications.
Our app will help students to track their expenses and income in order to stay within their budgets, so that they have enough money to travel. It will also help them convert to foreign currencies so they can see how much they have to spend overseas.
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