This demo demonstrates the NEON approach for explaining K-Means clustering predictions. The method is fully described in
Kauffmann, J., Esders, M., Ruff, L., Montavon, G., Samek, W., & Müller, K.-R.
From clustering to cluster explanations via neural networks
arXiv:1906.07633v2, 2021
from kmeans import KMeans
from neon import NeuralizedKMeans, neon
from utils import *
First, we load the dataset and normalize the data to a reasonable range.
wine = load_wine()
X, ytrue = wine['data'], tr.tensor(wine['target'])
feature_names = wine['feature_names']
X = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
X = tr.from_numpy(X)
Then, we train a K-Means model.
# random state for reproducibility
m = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=77)
The cluster assignments and true labels can be visualized in a 2D PCA embedding.
# find best match between clusters and classes
y = m.decision(X)
C = contingency_matrix(ytrue, y)
_, best_match = linear_sum_assignment(-C.T)
y = tr.tensor([best_match[i] for i in y])
# compute a PCA embedding for visualization
pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(X)
Z = pca.transform(X)
plt.title('wine clustering --- facecolor: clusters, edgecolor: classes')
plt.scatter(Z[:,0], Z[:,1], facecolor=cmap(2*y.numpy() + 1), edgecolor=cmap(2*ytrue.numpy()), alpha=.5)
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
The decision function for a cluster can be recovered as This function contrasts distance to cluster c against distance to the nearest competitor.
logits = m(X)
As shown in the original paper, the logit can be transformed to a neural network with identical outputs. The layers can be described as
m = NeuralizedKMeans(m)
# check if all outputs are exactly the same with the neuralized model
assert tr.isclose(logits, m(X)).all(), "Predictions are not equal!"
The neuralized model can be explained with Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP). Here, we use the midpoint-rule in the first layer as described in the paper.
with Ri the relevance of input variable xi. The hyperparameter 𝛽 controls the contribution of other competitors to the explanation. The main purpose is to disambiguate the explanation when more than one competitor is close to the min in layer 2.
R = neon(m, X, beta=1)
The explanations can be visualized similarly to the inputs, e.g. in a barplot. Here, we show an explanation for all misclassified points.
Note that points near the decision boundary (with probability close to 0.5) have low ambiguity regarding the nearest competitors, hence 𝛽 has little effect.
I = tr.nonzero(y != ytrue)[:,0]
for i in I:
logit = logits[i]
prob = 1 / (1 + tr.exp(-logit))
print('data point %d'%i)
print(' cluster assignment: %d (probability %.2f)'%(y[i],prob))
print(' true class : %d'%ytrue[i])
print(' sum(R) / logit : %.4f / %.4f'%(sum(R[i]), logit))
plot_explanation(X[i], R[i], feature_names, vlim=abs(R[I]).max()*1.1)
data point 60
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.52)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.0772 / 0.0772
data point 61
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.56)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.2447 / 0.2447
data point 68
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.52)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.0800 / 0.0800
data point 70
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.52)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.0866 / 0.0866
data point 73
cluster assignment: 0 (probability 0.57)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.2848 / 0.2848
data point 83
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.61)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.4378 / 0.4378
data point 92
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.50)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.0089 / 0.0089
data point 95
cluster assignment: 0 (probability 0.53)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.1348 / 0.1348
data point 118
cluster assignment: 2 (probability 0.55)
true class : 1
sum(R) / logit : 0.2151 / 0.2151