The projects is inspired by Github. A social media to create, track todos and share them publicly with friends and others. ToDocial is inspired by Github as a tool to let others cooperate on your todos and ideas. Just signup and create your first todo
This project is a combination of the features in Github and Wordpress that I could merge into one single project.
- Todo management & sociality (Github)
- Content management (Wordpress)
- Login / Sign up (multi-user)
- Todo Management
- User Profile
- Charts & Statistics
- Administrator Dashboard
- Simulation
- CI
- Tests
- JUnit (REST API)
- Selenium (Web pages)
- Clone the project
- In terminal run
mvn spring-boot:run
- Go to
- Login:
- as
- as
- as
- as
- mvn clean test
- Run and generate report
- mvn clean site
- Run and generate styled report
- mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=12345
In simulation mode, a list of random users are created and they interact with each other. You, as an admin, can observe what is happening inside the ecosystem
Project's screenshots
Track project's tasks in backlog