MATLAB/octave unix tool to record true MATLAB/octave memory and CPU usage vs time
Alex Barnett 1/30/18
One point of this tool is to be able to extract reliable true peak RAM usage by a MATLAB/ocatve code, without the need to continuously human-read (h)top.
Place the code memorygraph.m
somewhere in your MATLAB/octave path.
From MATLAB/octave, to start a graph (starts recording to a temp file in current directory):
This samples every 1 sec. If you want more often use, eg
opts.dt = 0.1; memorygraph('start',opts);
This, or smaller dt, may cause top to slow down the CPU.
To read off graph recorded so far (this may be done multiple times):
[bytes est_times cpu_times cpu_usages] = memorygraph('get');
This gives outputs:
: total RAM used by MATLAB/octave, in bytes
: estimated clock time in secs since graph started
: MATLAB/octave CPU time used (counting all threads) reported by top
: current percentage CPU usage by MATLAB/octave at each time
To clean up (sadly, this currently also kills all instances of top
the user has!):
Without args: does a self-test, produces the graph shown above.
- Linux/unix only. Tested in MATLAB and octave.
- Very crude: assumes only one MATLAB instance per user, and no other instances of top running by user. Hard-coded temp-file. Etc.
- If only a few secs have elapsed, the memory graph can come back empty. This is because of caching of the pipe to the temp file.
- Max run time is baked in at 1e4 secs (about 3 hrs).
- The 'top' display config must be standard (no changes to
- How do we get actual time without estimating?
- How get PID of the spawned process to kill it and only it?
Please contribute fixes for the above issues.