Status: usable, but needs testing and some methods may change in the near future.
A CakePHP plugin for user login. It uses cake's native auth to setup an environment ready for users to sign up, reset password, remember me and the like with as little effort from you as possible (while being flexible and easy to extend).
Please help me test and improve the Accounts plugin!
cd app/plugins/
git clone git://
Execute accounts/config/users.sql in MySQL.
class AppController extends Controller {
var $components = array(
'Auth', 'Email', 'Session', 'Cookie', 'Accounts.Accounts'
function beforeFilter() {
Put this inside the head tag:
echo $html->css('/accounts/css/accounts');
Put this just under the header div:
<?php echo $this->element('login', array('plugin' => 'Accounts')); ?>
OR to open the login form in a javascript window put this just above the header div:
<?php echo $this->element('modal_login', array('plugin' => 'Accounts')); ?>
You're done. Try signing up.
If you have any problems, try the troubleshooting section below.
You'll find the config file in accounts/config/accounts.php. When you want to override a value, simply configure it in your app/config/bootstrap.php like so:
Configure::write('accounts.emailFrom', '[email protected]');
So you want to login with a username instead of an email address? Simply add the 'username' column to your table and in app/config/bootstrap.php:
Configure::write('accounts.fields.username', 'username');
Accounts uses a model called 'User'. Since this doesn't exist, cake creates it on the fly and then Accounts adds the behavior. If you need to add functionality or validation to the model, simply create a model by the same name in your app.
Simply change them after calling $this->Accounts->setupAuth(), for instance we can change the default allow:
Try connecting to an SMTP server to send mail. Put this in beforeFilter() in /app/app-controller.php and fill in your settings.
$this->Email->smtpOptions = array(
'host' => 'yoursmtpservershostname',
'username' => 'yourusername',
'password' => 'yourpassword',
'port' => '25',
'timeout' => '30',
'client' => 'smtp_helo_hostname'
$this->Email->delivery = 'smtp';
Ensure required fields are illustrated correctly
Successfully signed up email
Preserve any form submissions that prompted login (but do not post!)
Ajax login
Facebook connect
enableWhatever configuration options
Possibly add ACL management?