Calendar-Me is a business calendar application built to automate searches for different local networking events and organize them based on who is logged into the app.
Each user has their own unique calendar representing events that they plan to go to.
If a user is a Team Leader, they have the option to view their team member's calendars in addition to their own in order to see what events their team is planning on going to.
If a user is an Admin, they have the ability to create a new user in the event that a new employee account is needed.
The suggested events are entered into the database using web crawler Ruby models that were developed with use of the HTTParty and Nokogiri gems. These crawlers search organization websites and find upcoming events of interest.
This application is run on Ruby version 2.4.5 and has a React front end done using version 15.4.2
git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a