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Jim Garrison edited this page Mar 11, 2023 · 1 revision


API documentation

Name guidelines

Query documentation

Quoting rules

Items in a list can be separated by commas or spaces; if an item itself contains a comma, a space or a single quote, special quoting must be used. Typically, you will enclose the entire list in double quotes and quote each item in the list as detailed below.

  • Items, separated by commas, without spaces, commas or single quotes in the items themselves
    • "item,item,item"
  • Items, separated by spaces, without spaces, commas or single quotes in the items themselves
    • "item item item"
  • Items, separated by commas, with spaces, commas or single quotes in the items themselves
    • "'it em','it,em',\"it'em\""
  • Items, separated by spaces, with spaces, commas or single quotes in the items themselves
    • "'it em' 'it,em' \"it'em\""

For example, a list of queries for Org Units where the Org Unit names contain spaces:

queries  "\"orgUnitPath='/Students/Middle School'\",\"orgUnitPath='/Students/Lower School'\""


<UserGoogleDoc> ::=
        <EmailAddress> <DriveFileIDEntity>|<DriveFileNameEntity>|(<SharedDriveEntity> <SharedDriveFileNameEntity>)

<DeliverySetting> ::=

<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::=
        <String>@<DomainName> |
        <String> <<String>@<DomainName>> # The outer <> around <String>@<DomainName> are literal, e.g., IT Group<[email protected]> 
<EmailAddressList> ::= "<EmailAddress>(,<EmailAddress>)*"

<JSONData> ::= (json [charset <Charset>] <String>) | (json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]) |

<GroupItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>
<GroupList> ::= "<GroupItem>(,<GroupItem>)*"
<GroupEntity> ::= <GroupList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>
<GroupRole> ::= owner|manager|member

<OrgUnitID> ::= id:<String>
<OrgUnitPath> ::= /|(/<String>)+

<QueryUser> ::= <String>
<UserFieldName> ::=
<UserFieldNameList> ::= "<UserFieldName>(,<UserFieldName>)*"

<UserOrderByFieldName> ::=
<LanguageCode> ::=
<Language> ::=
<LanguageList> ::= "<Language>(,<Language>)*"
<UserBasicAttribute> ::=
        (archive|archived <Boolean>)|
        (changepassword|changepasswordatnextlogin <Boolean>)|
        (customerid <String>)|
        (email|primaryemail|username <EmailAddress>)|
        (displayname <String>)|
        (firstname|givenname <String>)|
        (gal|includeinglobaladdresslist <Boolean>)|
        (gender clear|(female|male|unknown|(other <String>) [addressmeas <String>]))|
        (ipwhitelisted <Boolean>)|
        (language clear|<LanguageList>)|
        (lastname|familyname <String>)|
        (note clear|([text_html|text_plain] <String>|
                                            (file|htmlfile <FileName> [charset <Charset>])|
                                            (gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)))|
        (org|ou|orgunitpath <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID>)
        (password (random [<Integer>])|(uniquerandom [<Integer>])|blocklogin|<Password>)|
        (recoveryemail <EmailAddress>)|
        (recoveryphone <string>)|
        (suspend|suspended <Boolean>)|
        (<SchemaName>.<FieldName> [scalarnonempty|
                                   [multivalued|multivalue|value|multinonempty [type home|other|work|(custom <String>)]]]
<UserMultiAttribute> ::=
        (address type home|other|work|(custom <String>)
                [unstructured|formatted <String>]
                [pobox <String>] [extendedaddress <String>] [streetaddress <String>]
                [locality <String>] [region <String>] [postalcode <String>]
                [country <String>] [countrycode <String>]
        (employeeid <String>)|
        (externalid account|customer|login_id|network|organization|<String> <String>)|
        (im type home|other|work|(custom <String>)
                protocol aim|gtalk|icq|jabber|msn|net_meeting|qq|
                skype|yahoo|(custom_protocol <String>) <String>
        (keyword mission|occupation|outlook|(custom <string>) <String>)|
        (location [type default|desk|<String>] area <String>
                [building|buildingid <String>] [floor|floorname <String>]
                [section|floorsection <String>] [desk|deskcode <String>] endlocation)|
        (manager <String>)|
        (organization [type domain_only|school|unknown|work] [customtype <String>]
                [name <String>] [title <String>] [department <String>]
                [symbol <String>] [costcenter <String>] [location <String>]
                [description <String>] [domain <String>]
                [fulltimeequivalent <Integer>]
        (otheremail home|other|work|<String> <String>)|
        (phone [type assistant|callback|car|company_main|grand_central|home|
                work|work_fax|work_mobile|work_pager|(custom <String>)]
                [value <String>]
        (posix username <String> uid <Integer> gid <Integer> [system|systemid <String>]
                [home|homedirectory <String>] [shell <String>]
                [gecos <String>] [os|operatingSystemType linux|unspecified|windows]
                [primary <Boolean>] endposix)|
        (relation admin_assistant|assistant|brother|child|domestic_partner|
                parent|partner|referred_by|relative|sister|spouse|<String> <String>)|
        (sshkeys key <String> [expires <Integer>] endssh)|
        (website app_install_page|blog|ftp|home|home_page|other|
                profile|reservations|resume|work|<String> <URL>

<UserClearAttribute> ::=
        (address clear)|
        (otheremail clear)|
        (externalid clear)|
        (im clear)|
        (keyword clear)|
        (location clear)|
        (organization clear)|
        (phone clear)|
        (posix clear)|
        (relation clear)|
        (sshkeys clear)|
        (website clear)
<UserAttribute> ::=

User Attributes

User's have two kinds of attributes:

  • <UserBasicAttribute> - There is a single instance of the attribute.
  • <UserMultiAttribute> - There can be multiple instances of the attribute.

For the <UserMultiAttribute>s address,im,organization,phone,website there is a keyword notprimary|primary that indicates whether the instance is a seconday instance or the primary instance.

When specifying a <UserMultiAttribute> you have to specify all instances; there is no ability to insert or remove a specific instance.

You can remove all instances of a <UserMultiAttribute> with <UserClearAttribute>.

Admin Console User Info

When defining a user in the admin console, there is a section labelled Employee information with the following items:

  • Employee ID
  • Job title
  • Type of employee
  • Manager's email
  • Department
  • Cost center
  • Building id
  • Floor name
  • Floor section

Here is how that data is represented in GAM:

  type: desk
    area: desk
    buildingId: Building-ID
    buildingName: Building name
    floorName: Floor name
    floorSection: Floor section
    description: Type of Employee
    costCenter: Cost center
    department: Department
    title: Job Title
    primary: True
  type: manager
    value: [email protected]
External IDs:
  type: organization
    value: Employee ID

These options will set those values:

location type desk area desk buildingid Building-ID floorname "Floor name" floorsection "Floor section" endlocation
organization customtype "" description "Type of employee" costcenter "Cost center" department "Department" title "Job Title" primary
relation manager [email protected]
externalid organization "Employee ID"


To set a user's password, you specify a <Password> string and a hash method that specifies how to interpret the string

  • password random|uniquerandom - A 25 character plain text string of ASCII uppercase/lowecase letters, digits and punctuation
    • Do not specify a hash method, the string will be hashed with Crypt before being passed to Google
  • password random <Integer>|uniquerandom <Integer> - An <Integer> length plain text string of ASCII uppercase/lowecase letters, digits and punctuation
    • <Integer> must be between 8 and 100
    • Do not specify a hash method, the string will be hashed with Crypt before being passed to Google
  • password blocklogin - A 4096 character string comprised of random Unicode characters; it's purpose is to create a password that blocks logins
  • password <Password> - A string of characters; if no hash method is specified, <Password> is assumed to be plain text and is hashed with Crypt before being passed to Google
    • base64-md5 - <Password> is a string hashed with MD5 and Base64 encoded
    • base64-sha1 - <Password> is a string hashed with SHA1 and Base64 encoded
    • crypt - <Password> is a string hashed with Crypt
    • md5 - <Password> is a string hashed with MD5
    • sha|sha1|sha-1 - <Password> is a string hashed with SHA1
    • nohash - <Password> is plain text and will be passed to Google as such; not recommended

All of the following specifiy the password helloworld.

password "helloworld"
password "/F4DjTilcDIIVEHn/nAQsA==" base64-md5
password "at+xg6SiyUovktq1redipHiJpaE=" base64-sha1
password "quNTaKHn/QNxM" crypt
password "fc5e038d38a57032085441e7fe7010b0" md5
password "6adfb183a4a2c94a2f92dab5ade762a47889a5a1" sha1
password "helloworld" nohash

Password Notification

When creating a user or updating a user's password, you can send a message with details to an email address; this might be the user's secondary email address.

notify <EmailAddressList>
[subject <String>]
[from <EmailAddress>]
[message|htmlmessage <String>|(file|htmlfile <FileName> [charset <CharSet>])|(gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)] [html [<Boolean>]]
(replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>)*
[notifypassword <String>]
[notifyonupdate [<Boolean>]]
  • notify <EmailAddressList> - Specify recipients

If subject is not specified, the following value will be used:

  • create - Welcome to #domain#
  • update - Account #user# password has been changed

If message is not specified, the following value will be used:

  • create - Hello #givenname# #familyname#,\n\nYou have a new account at #domain#\nAccount details:\n\nUsername\n#user#\n\nPassword\n#password#\n\n Start using your new account by signing in at\n\n
  • update - The account password for #givenname# #familyname#, #user# has been changed to: #password#\n

In the subject and message, these strings will be replaced with the specified values:

  • #givenname# - first/given name
  • #familyname# - last/family name
  • #email# - user's email address
  • #user# - user's email address
  • #username# - portion of user's email address before @
  • #domain# - portion of user's email after after @
  • #password# - password

Use \n in message <String> to indicate a line break; no other special characters are recognized.

You can use replace <Tag> <UserReplacement> to provide additional information in the message and subject. Note that the only user field values that are available are those specified in the command; in particular, name/fullname is not available.

If you want a language/organization specific message, use a template file: message file <FileName> [charset <CharSet>]

When no hash method is specified or hash method nohash is specified, the <Password> string can be sent in the notification.

When you specify a hash method, the <Password> string is not interpretable by the user; you should use the following option:

  • notifiypassword <String> - <String>, which should be the plain text version of <Password>, is sent in the notification

If <Password> is hashed and you don't set notifiypassword <String>, Contact administrator for password is sent in the notification.

By default, when options notify <EmailAddressList> notifypassword <String> are specified, an email notification is sent when the user is updated or created. Use notifyonupdate false to suppress the notification on an update.

By default, the email is sent from the admin user identified in oauth2.txt, gam oauth info will show the value. Use from <EmailAddress> to specify an alternate from address. Gam gets no indication as to the status of the message delivery; the from user will get a non-delivery receipt if the message could not be sent to the notify <EmailAddressList>.

By default, messages are sent as plain text, use html or html true to indicate that the message is HTML.

Define schema fields

You can set custom schema field values for users; schema fields can be scalar, a single value, or can be multivalued.

Schema fields can have one of seven types:

  • bool - true and yes are interpreted as True, all other values, including an empty value, are interpreted as False
  • date - Three valid formats; can not be empty
    • YYYY - Interpreted as YYYY-01-01
    • YYYY-MM - Interpreted as YYYY-MM-01
    • YYYY-MM-DD - Intrepreted as YYYY-MM-DD
  • double - A floating point number; can not be empty
  • email - An email address, must be in the format <String>@<DomainName>; can not be empty
  • int64 - A 64-bit integer value; can not be empty
  • phone - A phone number; can be empty
  • string - A string; can be empty

Scalar fields

<SchemaName>.<FieldName> [scalarnonempty] <String>

If you don't specify scalarnonempty, an empty value will be set for phone amd string, False will be set for bool and an error will be generated for date, double, email and int64.

If you specify scalarnonempty, empty values will be suppressed. This is most useful when read files values from a CSV file.

For example, to suppress errors when empty values would cause an error or are simply undesirable:

GeoData.Region scalarnonempty ~region GeoData.State scalarnonempty ~state GeoData.City scalarnonempty ~city

Multivalued fields

<SchemaName>.<FieldName> [multivalued|multivalue|value|multinonempty [type home|other|work|(custom <String>)]]]

If you specify multivalued|multivalue|value, an empty value will be set for phone amd string, False will be set for bool and an error will be generated for date, double, email and int64.

If you specify multinonempty, empty values will be suppressed.

Multivalued fields can specify a type; there are predefined types home, work and other or you can specify custom <String>. If you don't specify a type, work is assumed.

For example:

ContactNumber.Work multivalued type work "800-123-4567" ContactNumber.Home multivalued type home "510-987-6543" ContactNumber.Cell type custom cell "501-345-6789"

Clear schema fields

You can clear custom schema field values when updating a user.

Clear all fields in a schema:

clearschema <SchemaName>

Clear a specific field in a schema:

clearschema <SchemaName>.<FieldName>

Create a user

gam create user <EmailAddress> [ignorenullpassword] <UserAttribute>*
        (groups [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <GroupEntity>)*
        [alias|aliases <EmailAddressList>]
        [license <SKUID> [product|productid <ProductID>]]
        [notify <EmailAddressList>] [subject <String>] [notifypassword <String>]
            [from <EmailAddress>]
            [(message|htmlmessage <String>)|(file|htmlfile <FileName> [charset <CharSet>])|
             (gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)] [html [<Boolean>]]
        (replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>)*
        [lograndompassword <FileName>]

The user will be added to the groups specified by groups [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <GroupEntity>.

The user aliases in alias|aliases <EmailAddressList> will be created.

The user will be assigned the license specified by license <SKUID> [product|productid <ProductID>].

In version 6.11.03 and later, you can specify preferred languages that will be reflected in the user's profile. In language <LanguageList>, append a + to <Language> to indicate that is it preferred and a - to set non_preferred. No suffix indiates that there is no preference. A <Language> in <LanguageList> that is not a <LanguageCode> is a custom language and can not have a preference suffix. In the user's profile, only preferred languages are displayed.

When creating a user, you can send a message with the account details to an email address; this might be the user's secondary email address.

If you create a user with random password, the lograndompassword <FileName> option causes GAM to append the user email address and random password to <FileName>. If <FileName> is -, the data is written to stdout.

Option ignorenullpassword causes GAM to ignore options like password "" or password ~password where the CSV entry password is null; it must appear in the command before any null passwords. If ignorenullpassword and a null password are entered, the user will be assigned a random password.

See Password Notification

gam create user [email protected] firstname "First" lastname "Last" password "newpassword" notify [email protected]

Create users in bulk with password notifications to user and help desk

This command should be on a single line, it is wrapped here for clarity.

gam redirect stdout CreateUsers.log multiprocess redirect stderr stdout csv CreateUsers.csv
     gam create user "~useremail" firstname "~firstname" lastname "~lastname" ou "~ou" password "~password"
     notify "~~notifyemail~~,[email protected]"

Verify mailbox creation

Creating a user is usually instantaneous but you can verify that a new user's mailbox has been setup.

gam <UserTypeEntity> waitformailbox [retries <Number>]

If retries <Number> is not specified, the command will keep retrying until the mailbox is setup or you hit Control-C.

If retries <Number> is specified, the command will keep retrying until the mailbox is setup or the retries are exhausted. If the mailbox is setup, a zero return code is returned; if the retries are exhausted, a non-zero return code will be returned.

Update a user

gam update user <UserItem> [ignorenullpassword] <UserAttribute>* [noactionifalias]
        [updateprimaryemail <RegularExpression> <EmailReplacement>]
        [updateoufromgroup <FileName> [charset <CharSet>]
            [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]
            [fields <FieldNameList>] [keyfield <FieldName>] [datafield <FieldName>]]
        [clearschema <SchemaName>] [clearschema <SchemaName>.<FieldName>]
        [createifnotfound] [notfoundpassword random|<Password>]
        (groups [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <GroupEntity>)*
        [alias|aliases <EmailAddressList>]
        [notify <EmailAddressList>] [subject <String>] [notifypassword <String>]
            [from <EmailAddress>]
            [(message|htmlmessage <String>)|(file|htmlfile <FileName> [charset <CharSet>])|
             (gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)] [html [<Boolean>]]
        [notifyonupdate [<Boolean>]] [setchangepasswordoncreate [<Boolean>]]
        (replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>)*
        [lograndompassword <FileName>]
gam update users <UserTypeEntity> [ignorenullpassword] <UserAttribute>* [noactionifalias]
        [updateprimaryemail <RegularExpression> <EmailReplacement>]
        [updateoufromgroup <FileName> [charset <CharSet>]
            [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]
            [fields <FieldNameList>] [keyfield <FieldName>] [datafield <FieldName>]]
        [clearschema <SchemaName>] [clearschema <SchemaName>.<FieldName>]
        [createifnotfound] [notfoundpassword random|<Password>]
        (groups [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <GroupEntity>)*
        [alias|aliases <EmailAddressList>]
        [notify <EmailAddressList>] [subject <String>] [notifypassword <String>]
            [from <EmailAddress>]
            [(message|htmlmessage <String>)|(file|htmlfile <FileName> [charset <CharSet>])|
             (gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)] [html [<Boolean>]]
        [notifyonupdate [<Boolean>]] [setchangepasswordoncreate [<Boolean>]]
        (replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>)*
        [lograndompassword <FileName>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> update users [ignorenullpassword] <UserAttribute>* [noactionifalias]
        [updateprimaryemail <RegularExpression> <EmailReplacement>]
        [updateoufromgroup <FileName> [charset <CharSet>]
            [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]
            [fields <FieldNameList>] [keyfield <FieldName>] [datafield <FieldName>]]
        [clearschema <SchemaName>] [clearschema <SchemaName>.<FieldName>]
        [createifnotfound] [notfoundpassword random|<Password>]
        (groups [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <GroupEntity>)*
        [alias|aliases <EmailAddressList>]
        [notify <EmailAddressList>] [subject <String>] [notifypassword <String>]
            [from <EmailAddress>]
            [(message|htmlmessage <String>)|(file|htmlfile <FileName> [charset <CharSet>])|
             (gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)] [html [<Boolean>]]
        [notifyonupdate [<Boolean>]] [setchangepasswordoncreate [<Boolean>]]
        (replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>)*
        [lograndompassword <FileName>]

When noactionifalias is specified, no action is performed if <UserItem> or <UserTypeEntity> specifies an alias rather than a primary email address.

Note that when changepassword true is specified, the user is immediately logged out.

The groups [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <GroupEntity> option only applies if createifnotfound is specified and the user has to be created; see below.

The alias|aliases <EmailAddressList> only applies if createifnotfound is specified and the user has to be created; see below.

In version 6.11.03 and later, you can specify preferred languages that will be reflected in the user's profile. In languages <LanguageList>, append a + to <Language> to indicate that is it preferred and a - to set non_preferred. No suffix indiates that there is no preference. A <Language> in <LanguageList> that is not a <LanguageCode> is a custom language and can not have a preference suffix. In the user's profile, only preferred languages are displayed.

Special case processing for update user

Some information systems output a CSV file of user data that can be used to create Google users but there is no indication as to which users are new. If you try to create all of the users you'll get duplicate errors for the existing users; if you try to update all of the users you'll get not found errors for the new users. The createifnotfound option causes Gam to create the new users if the givenname, familyname and password options are specified and <UserItem> or <UserTypeEntity> specify a single user. The user will be added to the groups specified by groups <GroupRole> <GroupList>. The user aliases in alias|aliases <EmailAddressList> will be created.

For example, you are given a CSV file Users.csv with these headers: email,firstname,lastname,password,ou,altemail

gam csv Users.csv gam update user ~email firstname ~firstname lastname ~lastname password ~password ou ~ou createifnotfound notify ~altemail

The existing users (including their passwords) will be updated and the new users will be created; if notify is specified, a notification email message is sent as in (#create-a-user).

If you don't want to update the passwords of the existing users but must supply a password for newly created users, use the notfoundpassword option.

gam csv Users.csv gam update user ~email firstname ~firstname lastname ~lastname notfoundpassword ~password ou ~ou createifnotfound notify ~altemail

The existing users (but not their passwords) will be updated and the new users will be created; if notify is specified, a notification email message is sent as in (#create-a-user).

If you don't want to force a password change of the existing users but do want newly created users to change their password, use the setchangepasswordoncreate option.

gam csv Users.csv gam update user ~email firstname ~firstname lastname ~lastname notfoundpassword ~password ou ~ou createifnotfound notify ~altemail setchangepasswordoncreate true

Update a user's name

When updating a user's name, always update both the firstname/givenname and the lastname/familyname fields. If you only update one of the fields, the other will be cleared.

Update a user's password

When updating a user's password, you can send a message with the new password to an email address; this might be the user's secondary email address.

In versions of GAMADV-XTD3 prior to 5.07.00, if you do gam update users <UserTypeEntity> or gam <UserTypeEntity> update users and specify password random, all of the users in <UserTypeEntity> are assigned the same random password; this is the same behavior as in Standard GAM. If you would like each of the users in <UserTypeEntity> to be assigned a unique random password, specify password uniquerandom.

If you update a user with password random|uniquerandom, the lograndompassword <FileName> option causes GAM to append the user email address and random password to <FileName>. If <FileName is -, the data is written to stdout.

Option ignorenullpassword causes GAM to ignore options like password "" or password ~password or notfoundpassword ~password where the CSV entry password is null; it must appear in the command before any null passwords. This option would typically be used when processing CSV files where only selected user's passwords are being updated.

See Password Notification

gam update user [email protected] password "newpassword" notify [email protected]

Update a user's primary email address

You can simply update a user's primary email address with the primaryemail option.

gam update user [email protected] primaryemail [email protected]

The updateprimaryemail <RegularExpression> <EmailReplacement> option allows modification of the user's current primary email address.

For example, to change the domain of a set of users from the current domain to

gam ou /Path/To/Ou update user updateprimaryemail "^(.+)@.*$" "\[email protected]"

To change graduating students email addresses from [email protected] to [email protected]:

gam ou /Path/To/Ou update user updateprimaryemail "^(.+)@(.+)$" "\1_grad@\2"

If the user's current primary email address does not match the then no modification is made.

Update a user's attributes with JSON data

Users's have attributes that can take multiple values: <UserMultiAttribute>. Any time one of these attributes is updated, the API requires that all values be presented; this makes it difficult to add/delete/update a single value as you have to present all of the other values. The <JSONData> option can simplify this process. For example, a user has multiple phone numbers and you have to update their mobile number.

$ gam info user [email protected] phones nogroups nolicenses
User: [email protected]
    type: work
      primary: True
      value: 510-555-1211
    type: home
      value: 510-555-1212
    type: mobile
      value: 510-555-1213
$ gam redirect stdout ./phones.json info user [email protected] phones formatjson nogroups nolicenses
$ more phones.json
{"phones": [{"primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "510-555-1211"}, {"type": "home", "value": "510-555-1212"}, {"type": "mobile", "value": "510-555-1213"}], "primaryEmail": "[email protected]"}

Edit phones.json and change the mobile number; update.

$ more phones.json
{"phones": [{"primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "510-555-1211"}, {"type": "home", "value": "510-555-1212"}, {"type": "mobile", "value": "510-555-1214"}], "primaryEmail": "[email protected]"}
$ gam update user [email protected] json file phones.json
User: [email protected], Updated
$ gam info user [email protected] phones nogroups nolicenses
User: [email protected]
    type: work
      primary: True
      value: 510-555-1211
    type: home
      value: 510-555-1212
    type: mobile
      value: 510-555-1214

If you want to update a group of user's work phone number, follow this process.

Backup the current settings.

$ gam redirect csv ./phones.csv group [email protected] print users phones formatjson quotechar "'"

Edit phones.csv and change the work number; update.

$ gam csv ./phones.csv quotechar "'" gam update user ~primaryEmail json ~JSON

Update a user's OU based on group membership

This option would typically be used when an external service creates a Google user and assigns it to a group but does not place it in an OU. You provide a CSV file that associates OU paths with group email addresses:

  • Each group can only reference one OU
  • Multiple groups can reference the same OU

Sample CSV file GroupOrgUnitMap.csv

[email protected],/Path/To/OUx
[email protected],/Path/To/OUx
[email protected],/Path/To/OUy
[email protected],/Path/To/OUz

No update is performed if a user does not belong to any group in the CSV file or belongs to multiple groups in the CSV file.

[updateoufromgroup <FileName> [charset <CharSet>]
    [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]
    [fields <FieldNameList>] [keyfield <FieldName>] [datafield <FieldName>]]
  • <FileName> - A CSV file containing rows with columns of items
  • columndelimiter <Character> - Columns are separated by <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_column_delimiter from gam.cfg will be used
  • quotechar <Character> - The column quote characer is <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_quote_char from gam.cfg will be used
  • fields <FieldNameList> - The column headings of a CSV file that does not contain column headings
  • keyfield <FieldName> - The column heading of the group column; the default is Group
  • datafield <FieldName> - The column heading of the OU path column; the default is OrgUnit

Example using the CSV file GroupOrgUnitMap.csv:

gam update user [email protected] updateoufromgroup GroupOrgUnitMap.csv

Delete or suspend users

These commands operate on a single user.

gam delete user <UserItem> [noactionifalias]
gam suspend user <UserItem> [noactionifalias]

These commands operate on multiple users.

gam delete users <UserTypeEntity> [noactionifalias]
gam suspend users <UserTypeEntity> [noactionifalias]

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete users [noactionifalias]
gam <UserTypeEntity> suspend users [noactionifalias]

When noactionifalias is specified, no action is performed if <UserItem>, <UserEntity> or <UserTypeEntity> specifies an alias rather than a primary email address.

Undelete or unsuspend users

These commands operate on a single user.

gam undelete user <UserItem> [ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitPath>]
gam unsuspend user <UserItem> [noactionifalias]

These commands operate on multiple users.

gam undelete users <UserEntity> [ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitPath>]
gam unsuspend users <UserTypeEntity> [noactionifalias]

gam <UserEntity> undelete users [ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitPath>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> unsuspend users [noactionifalias]

An undeleted user will be returned to their original OU, use ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitPath> to specify a different OU.

When noactionifalias is specified, no action is performed if <UserItem>, <UserEntity> or <UserTypeEntity> specifies an alias rather than a primary email address.

Display information about users

Display information about a single user

gam info user [<UserItem>]
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)]
        [noschemas|allschemas|(schemas|custom|customschemas <SchemaNameList>)]
        [userview] <UserFieldName>* [fields <UserFieldNameList>]

Display information about multiple users

gam info users <UserTypeEntity>
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)]
        [noschemas|allschemas|(schemas|custom|customschemas <SchemaNameList>)]
        [userview] <UserFieldName>* [fields <UserFieldNameList>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> info users
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)]
        [noschemas|allschemas|(schemas|custom|customschemas <SchemaNameList>)]
        [userview] <UserFieldName>* [fields <UserFieldNameList>]

For info users, unlike all other GAM commands, a <UserTypeEntity> value of all users is actually all users_ns_susp not all users_ns. This is a backwards compatibility issue.

Starting in version 5.23.01, the variable quick_info_user was added to gam.cfg to control how much information requiring additional API calls is displayed. (Prior to version 5.23.01, assume quick_info_user = False.)

quick_info_user = False: Gam makes additional API calls to get more information; you can selectively eliminate these calls to improve performance.

  • noaliases - Do not get alias information
  • nobuildingnames - Do not get building names for locations
  • nogroups - Do not get group membership information
  • nolicenses|nolicences - Do not get license information
  • noschemas - Do not get custom schema information, no additional API call is made but less data is downloaded
  • quick - Equivalent to noaliases nobuildingnames nogroups nolicenses noschemas

quick_info_user = true: none of the additional API calls are made; these new options enable display of the additional information.

  • aliases - Display aliases
  • buildingnames - Display building names in locations
  • groups - Display groups of which the user is a direct member
  • grouptree - Display groups of which the user is a direct member and those groups parent groups. This requires an Enterprise license
  • licenses - Display licenses for all SKUs
  • allschemas - Display all custom schemas

These existing options enable the display of additional information.

  • (products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>) - Display license information for a selected list of products/SKUs.
  • schemas|custom|customschemas <SchemaNameList> - Display the specified custom schemas

By default, Gam displays fields that only an adminstrator can view.

  • userview - Only display fields that other users in the domain can view.

By default, Gam displays all fields for a user.

  • <UserFieldName>* [fields <UserFieldNameList>] - Only display selected fields.

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

Print user primary email addresses

Print no header row and primaryEmail for specified users

gam <UserTypeEntity> print
gam <UserTypeEntity> print users

Print a header row and primaryEmail for all users

gam print users

Print user details

Print a header row and fields for selected users


gam print users [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        ([domain <DomainName>] [(query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>)]
         [limittoou <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID>] [deleted_only|only_deleted])
        [orderby <UserOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending]]
        [groups|groupsincolumns] [license|licenses|licence|licences]
        [schemas|custom|customschemas all|<SchemaNameList>]
        [userview] [allfields|basic|full|(<UserFieldName>*|fields <UserFieldNameList>)]
        [delimiter <Character>] [sortheaders [<Boolean>]] [scalarsfirst [<Boolean>]]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [quoteplusphonenumbers]
        [issuspended <Boolean>] [aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression>]

By default, users in all domains in the account are selected; these options allow selection of subsets of users:

  • domain <DomainName> - Limit users to those in <DomainName>
  • (query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>) - Limit users to those that match a query
  • limittoou <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID> - Limit users to those in the specified <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID>
  • deleted_only|only_deleted - Only display deleted users
  • issuspended <Boolean> - Limit users based on their status

Print a header row and fields for users specified by <UserTypeEntity>

gam print users [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] select <UserTypeEntity>
        [orderby <UserOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending]]
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)]
        [schemas|custom|customschemas all|<SchemaNameList>]
        [emailpart|emailparts|username][schemas|custom all|<SchemaNameList>]
        [userview] [allfields|basic|full|(<UserFieldName>*|fields <UserFieldNameList>)]
        [delimiter <Character>] [sortheaders [<Boolean>]] [scalarsfirst [<Boolean>]]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [quoteplusphonenumbers]
        [issuspended <Boolean>] [aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> print users [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [orderby <UserOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending]]
        [(products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>)]
        [schemas|custom|customschemas all|<SchemaNameList>]
        [userview] [allfields|basic|full|(<UserFieldName>*|fields <UserFieldNameList>)]
        [delimiter <Character>] [sortheaders [<Boolean>]] [scalarsfirst [<Boolean>]]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [quoteplusphonenumbers]
        [issuspended <Boolean>] [aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression>]

By default, Gam gets no group membership information for each user. The groups and groupsincolumns will group membership information; an additional API call per user is required

With groups, there will be two columns displayed: GroupsCount and Groups.

  • GroupsCount - The number of groups to which the user belongs
  • Groups - A list of group email addresses

With groupsincolumns there will be multiple columns displayed: Groups and Groups.<Number>.

  • Groups - The number of groups to which the user belongs
  • Groups.<Number> - A single group email address

By default, Gam gets no license information for each user. There are two methods for getting license information.

  • license|licenses|licence|licences - Get license information for all users/SKUs; an additional API call is made to download all licenses and the user licenses are derived from that
  • licensebyuser|licensesbyuser|licencebyuser|licencesbyuser - Get license information for all SKUs; an additional API call per user is required
  • (products|product <ProductIDList>)|(skus|sku <SKUIDList>) - Display license information for a selected list of products/SKUs.

By default, Gam displays the primary email address for each user.

  • emailpart|emailparts|username - Output two additional columns, primaryEmailLocal and primaryEmailDomain, with the components of the primary email address.

By default, Gam displays fields that only an adminstrator can view.

  • userview - Only display fields that other users in the domain can view.

By default, Gam displays only the primary email address for each user.

  • allfields|basic - Display all non custom schema fields for each user.
  • full - Display all non custom schema fields and all custom schema fields for each user.
  • <UserFieldName>* [fields <UserFieldNameList>] - Only display selected fields.
  • schemas|custom all - Get custom schema information for all schemas.
  • schemas|custom <SchemaNameList> - Get custom schema information for a selected list of schemas.

By default, when aliases are displayed, all aliases are displayed. Use aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression> to limit the display of aliases to those that match <RegularExpression>.

By default, the entries in lists of groups and licenses are separated by the csv_output_field_delimiter from gam.cfg.

  • delimiter <Character> - Separate list items with <Character>

In the output, primaryEmail is the always the first column; these options control the sorting of the remaining columns.

  • allfields|basic|full - All other columns are sorted by name.
  • sortheaders [true] - All other columns are sorted by name.
  • <UserFieldName>*|fields <UserFieldNameList> - The columns appear in the order that the fields are specified.
  • scalarsfirst [true] - When columns are sorted by name, scalar fields appear before repeating fields.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format:

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

When you perform gam print users with the following todrive options to update a sheet within a Google Sheets file: tdfileid <DriveFileID> tdsheet <SheetEntity> tdupdatesheet and your data includes international phone numbers that start with a plus sign, Google Sheets generates a Formula parse error for those phone numbers. Use option quoteplusphonenumbers to have GAM add a single quote at the front of phone numbers that begin with a plus sign to cause Google Sheets to interpret the numbers as plain text. The single quote remains with the phone number. This option is not required when you're not updating a sheet as the error does not occur.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Print user domain counts

Print a CSV file with headers domain,count that gives the number of users in each domain

Print domain counts for users in a specific domain and/or selected by a query

gam print users [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        ([domain <DomainName>] [(query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>)]
         [limittoou <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID>] [deleted_only|only_deleted])
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [countonly]
        [issuspended <Boolean>]

By default, users in all domains in the account are selected; these options allow selection of subsets of users:

  • domain <DomainName> - Limit users to those in <DomainName>
  • (query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>) - Limit users to those that match a query
  • limittoou <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID> - Limit users to those in the specified <OrgUnitPath>|<OrgUnitID>
  • deleted_only|only_deleted - Only display deleted users
  • issuspended <Boolean> - Limit users based on their status

Print domain counts for users specified by <UserTypeEntity>

gam print users [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] select <UserTypeEntity>
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [countonly]
gam <UserTypeEntity> print users [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]] [countonly]

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format:

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Print user list

Print a CSV file with headers title,count,users that displays the list of users in <UserTypeEntity> in a single row.

gam <UserTypeEntity> print userlist [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [title <String>]
        [delimiter <Character>] [formatjson] [quotechar <Character>]

By default, the title column has the value Users; use title <String> to specify an alternate title.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format:

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, when formatjson is not specified, the entries in the users column are separated by the csv_output_field_delimiter from gam.cfg.

  • delimiter <Character> - Separate users with <Character>

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.


Default output: all columns.

$ gam redirect csv ./UsersList.csv ou /Test print userlist 
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
Users,4,[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Default output: eliminate title and count columns.

$ gam config csv_output_header_filter "users" redirect csv ./UsersList.csv ou /Test print userlist
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Default output: eliminate title and count columns, eliminate header row.

$ gam config csv_output_header_filter "users" redirect csv ./UsersList.csv noheader ou /Test print userlist
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

JSON output: all columns.

$ gam redirect csv ./UsersList.csv ou /Test print userlist formatjson quotechar "'"
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
Users,4,'["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]'

JSON output: eliminate title and count columns.

$ gam config csv_output_header_filter "users" redirect csv ./UsersList.csv ou /Test print userlist formatjson quotechar "'"
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
'["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]'

JSON output: eliminate title and count columns, eliminate header row.

$ gam config csv_output_header_filter "users" redirect csv ./UsersList.csv noheader ou /Test print userlist formatjson quotechar "'"
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
'["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]'

JSON output: eliminate title and count columns, eliminate header row, eliminate single quote.

$ gam config csv_output_header_filter "users" redirect csv ./UsersList.csv noheader ou /Test print userlist formatjson quotechar " "
Getting all Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test, may take some time on a large Organizational Unit...
Got 12 Users in the Organizational Unit for /Test...
Got 4 Users directly in the Organizational Unit for /Test
$ more UsersList.csv 
 ["[email protected]",  "[email protected]",  "[email protected]",  "[email protected]"] 

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