Leaflet Plugin For Creating And Editing Geometry Layers
Draw, Edit, Drag, Cut, Snap and Pin Layers
Supports Markers, CircleMarkers, Polylines, Polygons, Circles, Rectangles, LayerGroups, GeoJSON and MultiPolygons
Companies need more advanced features, reliability and support. In our Pro version, we offer everything from the open source version and add many advanced features for big scale projects. Features marked with β in this documentation are only available in the Pro version. Purchase Pro or contact me
- Installation
- Getting Started
- Drawing Mode
- Editing Mode
- Drag Mode
- Removal Mode
- Cutting Mode
- Options
- Customization
- Need a feature? |Β Existing Feature Requests
npm uninstall leaflet.pm
npm i @geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free
That's it.
npm i @geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free
and include them in your project.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free@latest/dist/leaflet-geoman.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free@latest/dist/leaflet-geoman.min.js"></script>
import '@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free';
import '@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free/dist/leaflet-geoman.css';
Just include leaflet-geoman.min.js
right after Leaflet. It initializes itself. If
you want certain layers to be ignored by leaflet-geoman, pass pmIgnore: true
their options when creating them. Example:
L.marker([51.50915, -0.096112], { pmIgnore: true }).addTo(map);
If you want to use leaflet-geoman as opt-in, call the following function right after importing:
L.PM.initialize({ optIn: true });
All layers will be ignored by leaflet-geoman, unless you specify pmIgnore: false
on a layer:
L.marker([51.50915, -0.096112], { pmIgnore: false }).addTo(map);
You can add a toolbar to the map to use leaflet-geoman features via a user interface.
// add leaflet-geoman controls with some options to the map
position: 'topleft',
drawCircle: false,
See the available options in the table below.
Option | Default | Description |
position | 'topleft' |
toolbar position, possible values are 'topleft' , 'topright' , 'bottomleft' , 'bottomright' |
drawMarker | true |
adds button to draw markers |
drawCircleMarker | true |
adds button to draw circle markers |
drawPolyline | true |
adds button to draw rectangle |
drawRectangle | true |
adds button to draw rectangle |
drawPolygon | true |
adds button to draw polygon |
drawCircle | true |
adds button to draw circle |
editMode | true |
adds button to toggle edit mode for all layers |
dragMode | true |
adds button to toggle drag mode for all layers |
cutPolygon | true |
adds button to cut a hole in a polygon |
removalMode | true |
adds a button to remove layers |
pinningOption | true |
adds a button to toggle the Pinning Option β |
snappingOption | true |
adds a button to toggle the Snapping Option β |
If you are wondering how e.g. the drawPolygon
button will enable drawing mode
with specific options, here it is: Simply set the options for the layer. The options will persist, even when
the mode is enabled/disabled via the toolbar.
// make markers not snappable during marker draw
map.pm.setGlobalOptions({ snappable: false });
All available options are specified in the Drawing Mode Section below.
Use Drawing Mode on a map like this
// enable polygon drawing mode
map.pm.enableDraw('Polygon', {
snappable: true,
snapDistance: 20,
// disable drawing mode
Currently available shapes are Marker
, Circle
, Line
, Rectangle
, Polygon
and Cut
You can get an array of all available shapes with:
See the available options in the table below.
Option | Default | Description |
snappable | true |
enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key. |
snapDistance | 20 |
the distance to another vertex when a snap should happen |
snapMiddle | false |
allow snapping to the middle of a layers segments (between two vertexes) |
tooltips | true |
show helpful tooltips for your user |
allowSelfIntersection | true |
allow self intersections |
templineStyle | { color: 'red' }, |
leaflet path options for the lines between drawn vertices/markers. |
hintlineStyle | { color: 'red', dashArray: [5, 5] } |
leaflet path options for the helper line between last drawn vertex and the cursor. |
cursorMarker | true |
show a marker at the cursor |
finishOn | null |
leaflet layer event to finish the drawn shape, like 'dblclick' . Here's a list. |
markerStyle | { draggable: true } |
leaflet marker options (only for drawing markers). |
You can listen to map events to hook into the drawing procedure like this:
map.on('pm:drawstart', e => {
Here's a list of map events you can listen to:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:drawstart | e |
Called when drawing mode is enabled. Payload includes the shape type and working layer |
pm:drawend | e |
Called when drawing mode is disabled. Payload includes the shape type. |
pm:create | e |
Called when a shape is drawn/finished. Payload includes shape type and the drawn layer |
There are also several events for layers during draw. Register an event like this:
// listen to vertexes being added to currently drawn layer (called workingLayer)
map.on('pm:drawstart', ({ workingLayer }) => {
workingLayer.on('pm:vertexadded', e => {
Here's a list of layer events you can listen to:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:vertexadded | e |
Called when a new vertex is added. Payload includes the new vertex, it's marker, index, working layer and shape type |
pm:snapdrag | e |
Fired during a marker move/drag. Payload includes info about involved layers and snapping calculation. |
pm:snap | e |
Fired when a vertex is snapped. Payload is the same as in snapdrag |
pm:unsnap | e |
Fired when a vertex is unsnapped. Payload is the same as in snapdrag |
pm:centerplaced | e |
Called when the center of a circle is placed/moved. |
For making the snapping to other layers selective, you can add the "snapIgnore" option to your layers to disable the snapping to them during drawing.
snapIgnore : true
//This layer will be ignored by the snapping engine during drawing
Let's you edit vertices of layers. Use it like this:
// enable edit mode
allowSelfIntersection: false,
See the available options in the table below.
Option | Default | Description |
snappable | true |
Enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key. |
snapDistance | 20 |
The distance to another vertex when a snap should happen. |
pinning | false |
Pin shared vertices/markers together during edit β. Details |
allowSelfIntersection | true |
Allow/Disallow self-intersections on polygons and polylines. |
preventMarkerRemoval | false |
Disable the removal of markers/vertexes via right click. |
limitMarkersToCount | -1 |
Shows only n markers closest to the cursor. Use -1 for no limit |
limitMarkersToZoom | -1 |
Shows markers when under the given zoom level β |
limitMarkersToViewport | false |
Shows only markers in the viewport β |
limitMarkersToClick | false |
Shows markers only after the layer was clicked β |
The following methods are available for layers under layer.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
enable(options ) |
- | Enables edit mode. The passed options are preserved, even when the mode is enabled via the Toolbar. |
disable() | - | Disables edit mode. |
toggleEdit(options ) |
- | Toggles edit mode. Passed options are preserved. |
enabled() | Boolean |
Returns true if edit mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
hasSelfIntersection() | Boolean |
Returns true is the layer has a self intersection. |
You can listen to events related to editing on events like this:
// listen to when a layer is changed in edit mode
layer.on('pm:edit', e => {
The following events are available on a layer instance:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:edit | e |
Fired when a layer is edited. |
pm:update | e |
Fired when a layer is edited and its coordinates have changed. |
pm:disable | e |
Fired when edit mode on a layer is disabled |
pm:vertexadded | e |
Fired when a vertex is added |
pm:vertexremoved | e |
Fired when a vertex is removed |
pm:markerdragstart | e |
Fired when dragging of a marker which corresponds to a vertex starts |
pm:markerdragend | e |
Fired when dragging of a vertex-marker ends |
pm:snap | e |
Fired when a vertex-marker is snapped to another vertex. Also fired on the marker itself. |
pm:unsnap | e |
Fired when a vertex-marker is unsnapped from a vertex. Also fired on the marker itself. |
pm:intersect | e |
When allowSelfIntersection: false , this event is fired as soon as a self-intersection is detected. |
pm:centerplaced | e |
Fired when the center of a circle is moved |
You can enable Edit Mode for all layers on a map like this:
// enable global edit mode
The following methods are available on map.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
enableGlobalEditMode(options ) |
- | Enables global edit mode. |
disableGlobalEditMode() | - | Disables global edit mode. |
toggleGlobalEditMode(options ) |
- | Toggles global edit mode. |
globalEditEnabled() | Boolean |
Returns true if global edit mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
You can also listen to specific edit mode events on the map instance like this:
map.on('pm:globaleditmodetoggled', e => {
The event has an object with an enabled boolean and a reference to the map.
// toggle drag mode like this:
The following methods are available on map.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
toggleGlobalDragMode() | - | Toggles global drag mode. |
globalDragModeEnabled() | Boolean |
Returns true if global drag mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
The following events are available on a layer instance:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:dragstart | e |
Fired when a layer starts being dragged. |
pm:drag | e |
Fired when a layer is dragged. |
pm:dragend | e |
Fired when a layer stops being dragged. |
You can also listen to specific drag mode events on the map instance like this:
map.on('pm:globaldragmodetoggled', e => {
The event has an object with an enabled boolean and a reference to the map.
// toggle drag mode like this:
The following methods are available on map.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
toggleGlobalRemovalMode() | - | Toggles global removal mode. |
globalRemovalEnabled() | Boolean |
Returns true if global removal mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
The following events are available on a map instance:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:remove | e |
Fired when a layer is removed via Removal Mode |
layerremove | e |
Standard Leaflet event. Fired when any layer is removed. |
You can also listen to specific removal mode events on the map instance like this:
map.on('pm:globalremovalmodetoggled', e => {
The event has an object with an enabled boolean and a reference to the map.
Enable drawing for the shape "Cut" to draw a polygon that gets subtracted from all underlying polygons. This way you can create holes, cut polygons in half or remove parts of it.
Important: the cutted layer will be replaced, not updated. Listen to the
event to update your layer references in your code. The pm:cut
will provide you with the original layer and returns the resulting
layer(s) that is/are added to the map as a Polygon or MultiPolygon.
// enable cutting mode
allowSelfIntersection: false,
Available options are the same as in drawing mode.
You can use these methods on map.pm.Draw.Cut
to handle Cutting mode:
Method | Returns | Description |
enable(options ) |
- | Enable Cutting Mode. |
disable() | - | Disable Cutting Mode |
toggle(options ) |
- | Toggle Cutting Mode |
The following events are available on a layer instance:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:cut | e |
Fired when the layer being cut |
The following events are available on a map instance:
Event | Params | Description |
pm:cut | e |
Fired when any layer is being cut |
You have many options available when drawing and editing your layers (described above). You can set the options per layer as described above, or you can set them globally for all layers. This is especially useful when you use the toolbar and can't change the options programatically.
layer.pm.enable({ pinning: true, snappable: false })
map.pm.setGlobalOptions({ pinning: true, limitMarkersToCount: 15, limitMarkersCountGlobally: true })
The following options are available globally and apply when going into global edit mode.
Option | Default | Description |
snappable | true |
Enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key. |
snapDistance | 20 |
The distance to another vertex when a snap should happen. |
pinning | false |
Pin shared vertices/markers together during edit β. Details |
allowSelfIntersection | true |
Allow/Disallow self-intersections on polygons and polylines. |
preventMarkerRemoval | false |
Disable the removal of markers/vertexes via right click. |
limitMarkersToCount | -1 |
Shows only n markers per layer closest to the cursor. Use -1 for no limit |
limitMarkersCountGlobally | false |
Activates limitMarkersToCount across layers on the entire map, not just per layer β |
limitMarkersToZoom | -1 |
Shows markers when under the given zoom level β |
limitMarkersToViewport | false |
Shows only markers in the viewport β |
limitMarkersToClick | false |
Shows markers only after the layer was clicked β |
Some details about a few more powerful options:
Snap the dragged marker/vertex to other layers for precision drawing.
When dragging a vertex/marker, you can pin all other Markers/Vertices that have the same latlng to the dragged marker. Exclusive for Leaflet-Geoman Pro β
Change the language of user-facing copy in leaflet-geoman
Currently available languages are en
, de
, it
, ru
, ro
, es
, fr
, pt_br
, id
, zh
, nl
, pl
and sv
To add translations to the plugin, you can add a translation file via Pull Request.
You can also provide your own custom translations.
const customTranslation = {
tooltips: {
placeMarker: 'Custom Marker Translation',
map.pm.setLang('customName', customTranslation, 'en');
The 3rd parameter is the fallback language in case you only want to override a few Strings. See the english translation file for all available strings.
In order to change the style of the lines during draw, pass these options to the
// optional options for line style during draw. These are the defaults
var options = {
// the lines between coordinates/markers
templineStyle: {
color: 'red',
// the line from the last marker to the mouse cursor
hintlineStyle: {
color: 'red',
dashArray: [5, 5],
// enable drawing mode for shape - e.g. Poly, Line, Circle, etc
map.pm.enableDraw('Polygon', options);
To customize the style of the drawn layer with leaflet options, you can either
pass the options to enableDraw
// optional options for line style during draw. These are the defaults
var options = {
templineStyle: {},
hintlineStyle: {},
pathOptions: {
// add leaflet options for polylines/polygons
color: 'orange',
fillColor: 'green',
// enable drawing mode for shape - e.g. Poly or Line
map.pm.enableDraw('Polygon', options);
or set the options generally:
color: 'orange',
fillColor: 'green',
fillOpacity: 0.4,
I'm adopting the Issue Management of lodash which means, feature requests get the "Feature Request" Label and then get closed. You can upvote existing feature requests (or create new ones). Upvotes make me see how much a feature is requested and prioritize their implementation. Please see the existing Feature Requests here and upvote if you want them to be implemented.
As I never built a leaflet plugin before, I looked heavily into the code of leaflet.draw to find out how to do stuff. So don't be surprised to see some familiar code.
I also took a hard look at the great L.GeometryUtil for some of my helper functions.