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✨ PDFSegmenter

PDFSegmenter is an Executor used for extracting images and text as chunks from PDF data. It stores each images and text of each page as chunks separately, with their respective mime types. It uses the pdfplumber library.

Loading data

The PDFSegmenter expects data to be found in the Document's .blob attribute. This can be loaded from a PDF file like so

from docarray import DocumentArray, Document
from jina import Flow

doc = DocumentArray([Document(uri='cats_are_awesome.pdf')]) # adjust to your own pdf

f = Flow().add(
with f:
    resp ='/craft', inputs=doc)
    print(f'{[c.mime_type for c in resp[0].chunks]}')
>> <Document ('id', 'blob', 'mime_type', 'uri') at 9d77e00f759bf8523e86abf452ac28a0> # notice `.blob` field is set
>> ['image/*', 'image/*', 'text/plain'] # we get both images and text from a PDF