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Joel Wenzel edited this page Jan 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Every step rendered on the canvas is created as an NgFlowchartStepComponent. The component contains a rich API making it easy to extend the component to meat your needs.

Method Reference

  • canDeleteStep

    () : boolean

    A check called prior to step deletion. Custom components can override and perform any checks to allow or block deletion. By default returns true.

  • canDrop

    (dropEvent: NgFlowchart.DropTarget, error: NgFlowchart.ErrorMessage) : boolean

    A check called prior to step being dropped. Called when either moving an existing step or dropping a new one. The error object argument is optional. Any error message set on the error arg will be returned in the chart onDropError callback. By default returns true.

  • getDropPositionsForStep

    (step: NgFlowchart.Step): NgFlowchart.DropPosition[]

    Called when hovering a step over the canvas to determine valid drop positions. By default returns ['ABOVE', 'BELOW', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT'], I.E. all locations.

  • destroy

    (recursive: boolean = true, checkCallbacks: boolean = true): boolean

    Destroys this step component and updates all necessary child and parent relationships. A true recursive value will delete this step and all children.

  • removeChild

    (childToRemove: NgFlowchartStepComponent): number

    Remove a child from this step. Returns the index at which the child was found or -1 if not found.

Property Reference


  • AddChildOptions

    • sibling?: boolean

      Should the child be added as a sibling to existing children, if false the existing children will be reparented to this new child. Default is true.

    • index?: number

      The index of the child. Only used when sibling is true. Defaults to the end of the child array.

  • NgFlowchart.DropPosition

    A string type representing canvas drop positions.

    • ABOVE - Add as new parent
    • BELOW - Add as new only child
    • LEFT - Add as older sibling
    • RIGHT - Add as younger sibling

  • NgFlowchart.DropTarget

    A Type containing data pertaining to 'where' a step is dropped on the canvas.

  • NgFlowchart.ErrorMessage

    An error message type that can be set by Step methods and returned to the OnDropError callback.

    • code?: string

      A shorthand lookup code to identify the error. Codes are entirely up to consumers and are nothing more than convention to easily identify errors.

    • message?: string

      A user friendly error message to indicate what happened.

  • NgFlowchart.PendingStep extends NgFlowchart.Step

    • template: TemplateRef | Type<NgFlowchartStepComponent>

      An Ng-template containing the canvas content to be displayed. Or a component type that extends NgFlowchartStepComponent

  • NgFlowchart.Step

    • type: string

      A unique string indicating the type of step this is. This type can be seen in the JSON output and is used during the upload process.

    • data: any

      Optional data to give the step. Typically configuration data that users can edit on the step.