A puppet module for loading SELinux policy modules.
Puppet has in-built types for handling binary SELinux module blobs. However, it's often preferable to manage SELinux policy modules via the textual (.te) representations of the policy. This puppet module provides that capability.
The example below demonstrates how to use this puppet module to load a SELinux policy module for cobbler before the cobbler daemon is started.
class {'semodloader': }
semodloader::semodule {'cobblerlocal':
source => 'puppet:///cobbler/cobblerlocal.te',
status => 'present',
before => Service ['cobblerd'],
Some more info can be found on my blog:
o http://stuckinadoloop.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/puppet-managed-deployment-of-selinux-modules/
o http://stuckinadoloop.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/deploying-selinux-modules-with-puppet-reprise/
In addition, the development of this module was stimulated by this blog entry: