GhostNodes control for OpenLayers maintains the junction of initial vertices and end vertices of the lines as a network. Modifying a initial or final vertex are modified all of the vertices of other lines that begin or end at that vertex.
This control is specially designed to work together with OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
and OpenLayers.Control.Split
Is also recommended to use a OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
Please, open a issue if you have questions or problems using this control.
var gNodes = new OpenLayers.Control.GhostNodes({layers: [myVectorLayer]});
// and if using a `Split` control should make it known to the `GhostNodes` as:
var mySplitControl = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({source: vectorLayer ...});
and nothing more is required.
- ghost-nodes.html a editing a street network based on the example "wfs-snap-split.html" of OL.
- unSplit by vertexremoved if is single jointed.
- docs
- and ...
The GhostNodes
control is designed to work correctly with release 2.11 of OpenLayers or higher
including the development version.