This project is to demonstrate how to setup a project using Next.js with TypeScript as a web application with Prisma as the ORM using PostgreSQL v15 as the data source as a Full Stack Web App.
The following services are require for development:
Fork the project and clone your GitHub project
git clone${USER_NAME}/quick-id-verification
Install node and npm version of the project
nvm use npm install -g npm@${NPM_VERSION}
Install project dependencies
npm ci
cp .env-local .env
Start the database using Docker
npm run docker
Import migration to Database
npm run prisma:deploy
The command will import the migrations created to the database.
Start the Next app
npm run dev
The app will be running on the port 3000
and accessible in http://localhost:3000
To run tests is required to have the web app running.
Run unit and E2E tests
npm run test
Run coverage check
npm run test:coverage:check
The app has a predefined Codespaces configuration available at .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
as this web app has been developed using Codespaces.
Follow this guide on how to get started with Codespaces.
The project has been inspired on a Prisma example.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file.