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DIY Flappy Bird - Game Tutorial

This material is based on the Youtube tutorial: How to make Games: Flappy Bird by @BrentAureli

libGDX and Android Studio Setup

  1. Open the libGDX wizard tool (gdx-setup.jar) and generate a new project with the following attributes:
    Name: FlappyDemo
    Game class: FlappyDemo
    Destination: /Users/missionbit/Desktop/Projects/FlappyDemo
    Android SDK: /Users/missionbit/Library/Android/sdk
    Sub Projects: Select Desktop and Android
    Extensions: Select Box2d
    Advanced: Select IDEA and click Save

Hint: The Java convention is to use all lowercase for package names, but class names are always capitalized

  1. Click Generate and wait until the console says “BUILD SUCCESSFUL”
  2. Close the window and open Android Studio.
  3. Import project >> /Users/missionbit/Desktop/Projects/FlappyDemo >> OK
  4. Navigate to Edit Configuration >> Click the + button >> Select Application >> Fill out the following fields:
    Name: Desktop
    Main class:
    Working directiory: /Users/missionbit/Desktop/Projects/FlappyDemo/android/assets
    Use classpath of module: Select desktop
  5. Click Apply and then OK.

Game States and the GameStateManager

  1. Navigate to core/src/ >> Right-click (control + click) and select New > Package.
    Name: states >> OK

Hint: Don't forget that we use lowercase for package names

  1. Right-click the newly created states package and select New > Java Class
    Name: State >> OK

Hint: Don't forget that we capitalize class names

  1. Make the State class abstract
  2. Each state needs: a camera to locate a position in the game world, a mouse or some sort of pointer to indicate where the user clicks, which is defined as a Vector3, ie, a (x,y) coordinate, and a GameStateManager to manage our state transitions (for example, from menu to play, or from play to pause.
    So we must declare the following State instance variables:
protected OrthographicCamera cam;
protected Vector3 mouse;
protected GameStateManager gsm;
  1. Create a protected State constructor that takes in a GameStateManager and initializes all instance variables.
  2. Create the following methods:
protected abstract void handleInput();
public abstract void update(float dt);
public abstract void render(SpriteBatch sb);
public abstract void dispose();

Hint: It’s important to dispose of any Texture or other media when we’re done using them to prevent any kind of memory leaks.

  1. Navigate to the FlappyBird class, and declare the following instance variables:
public static final int WIDTH = 480;
public static final int HEIGHT = 800;
public static final String TITLE = "Flappy Bird";
private GameStateManager gsm;
private SpriteBatch batch;

Hint: We should only have one SpriteBatch in the entire game. They are pretty heavy.

  1. Now navigate to desktop/src/, open DesktopLauncher, and insert these 3 lines inside the main method, right in the middle, in between the two lines of code (one that declares and initializes config, and the other that instantiates a LwjglApplication):
config.width = FlappyDemo.WIDTH;
config.height = FlappyDemo.HEIGHT;
config.title = FlappyDemo.TITLE;
  1. Create a new Java class inside of the states package named GameStateManager with the following code:
public class GameStateManager {
   private Stack<State> states;
   public GameStateManager() {
       states = new Stack<State>();
   public void push(State state) {
   public void pop() {
   public void set(State state) {
   public void update(float dt) {
   public void render(SpriteBatch sb) {
  1. Create a new Java class inside of the states package named MenuState, which extends State.
  2. Right-click MenuState and select Generate > Implement Methods…
  3. Select MenuState, handleInput, update, render, and dispose and click OK. Then make sure all methods are public.

Hint: If there are any class names in red, option+click them to import the necessary packages.

  1. In the FlappyDemo class, initialize and push the GameStateManager inside the create() method. Your code should look like this:
  public void create () {
     batch = new SpriteBatch();
     gsm = new GameStateManager();
     gsm.push(new MenuState(gsm));, 0, 0, 1);
  1. In the render() method, update and render your gsm. Your code should look like this:
  public void render () {;
  1. Finally, make sure to dispose of your batch:
  public void dispose () {
  1. Run (you should see a black screen)

Menu - Importing images

  1. Go to and download the repo. Unzip it and copy the images from android > assets to the android > assets in your project
  2. Inside MenuState, create the instance variables:
private Texture background;
private Texture playBtn;
  1. Option+click on Texture to import class. In the constructor, initialize them to:
background = new Texture("bg.png");
playBtn = new Texture("playBtn.png");
  1. Stil in MenuState, inside of the render method, create a batch to draw the background and play button images:
sb.draw(background, 0, 0, FlappyDemo.WIDTH, FlappyDemo.HEIGHT);
sb.draw(playBtn, (FlappyDemo.WIDTH / 2) - (playBtn.getWidth() / 2), FlappyDemo.HEIGHT / 2);

Hint: Think of the sprite batch as a container, it needs to be opened and closed.
Also, notice the code for centering the play button. If we just divide it by 2, the bottom left corner of the button would be at the center, so we need to offset it by half of its width.

  1. Inside the dispose method, dispose of the background and play button:
  1. Run.

The Play State

  1. Create a new Java class named "PlayState" inside the package states.
  2. PlayState extends State
  3. Right-click the class name and select Generate > Implement methods...
  4. Right-click the class name and select Generate > Constructor
  5. In the PlayState class, create an instance variable named bird of type Texture and initialize it with "bird.png", and draw the bird at position (50,50)
  6. In the MenuState class, the update method checks if user did something by calling the handleInput method
  7. The handleInput uses Gdx.input.justTouched() to check for user input, and, if the user did something, it calls gsm.set(new PlayState(gsm)) and dispose()
  8. Run. Now the button should be clickable and, when clicked, the little bird should appear at the bottom left corner. Notice that the bird appears very small. We can use our camera to set a viewport, so we see only a small portion of our game world. It'll appear as if the image was zoomed in.

Cameras and Viewports

  1. In our PlayState constructor, set our orthographic camera (which was created in State) to the bottom left quarter of the screen, with the y-axis pointing up.

Hint: the libGDX OrthographicCamera has a method setToOrtho that takes 3 parameters: (boolean yDown, float viewportWidth, float viewportHeight). This "sets this camera to an orthographic projection, centered at (viewportWidth/2, viewportHeight/2), with the y-axis pointing up or down." --Check out the documentation

  1. In our PlayState render method, tell the SpriteBatch to set the projection matrix to the camera viewport

Hint: the libGDX SpriteBatch has a setProjectionMatrix method that takes in a Matrix4 projection and "Sets the projection matrix to be used by this Batch" --Check out the documentation
Hint 2: the libGDX OrthographicCamera has an instance variable "combined" of the type Matrix4, which represents "the combined projection and view matrix" --Check out the documentation

  1. Run. You should see the screen zoomed in on the bottom left quarter

The Bird Class

  1. Create a new package called sprites, and inside it a new Java class named "Bird"
  2. Our Bird class needs the following attributes:
  • a position, to determine where the bird is in the game world
  • a texture, to determine the visual representation of the bird, ie, what will be drawn on the screen
  • a velocity, to determine in which direction the bird moves (up, down, left, right)
  • a gravity, to determine the acceleration pulling the bird down (so he falls when not flying) Declare these instance variables as:
private Vector3 position;
private Vector3 velocity;
private Texture bird;
private static final int GRAVITY = -15;
  1. Setup the Bird constructor, which takes a x and a y as integers:
public Bird(int x, int y){
    position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
    velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    bird = new Texture("bird.png");
  1. Create a method update to recalculate the bird's position in our game world. Note that we need to scale the velocity by the change in time (represented by dt) before adding it to our position.
public void update(float dt){
    velocity.add(0, GRAVITY, 0);
    position.add(0, velocity.y, 0);
    velocity.scl(1 / dt);
  1. Right-click on the class name (Bird) and Generate... > Getter > Select position and bird > Click OK. Refactor getBird() to getTexture().

  2. Navigate to the PlayState class and remove the bird Texture.

  • Recreate bird as an instance variable of the type Bird.
  • Initialize bird in the position (50, 100).
  • Inside the update() method, handle user input and update the bird's position.
public void update(float dt) {
  1. Change the render method so it draws the updated bird.
sb.draw(bird.getTexture(), bird.getPosition().x, bird.getPosition().y);
  1. Run. You should see the bird falling down. Try changing its initial coordinates to see it falling from different areas on the screen.

Make Birds Fly

  1. Inside of the Bird class, create a public void method called jump. This method sets the velocity.y to 250.

  2. In the PlayState class, use the handleInput method to make the bird jump whenever the user clicks the screen.

Hint: Use Gdx.input.justTouched() to check for user input.

  1. Still in the PlayState, create a private instance variable for the background and call it bg. Initialize it to bg.png.

  2. In the render method, draw the background.

Hint: The coordinates for the background are ((cam.position.x - cam.viewportWidth / 2), 0). Why?

  1. Test it.

  2. Make it so the game stops if the bird hits the ground (aka as the bottom of the screen). To do that, edit the method update. When the position.y goes below zero, set it to zero (remember if statements). In addition, only add GRAVITY if the bird is not already at zero.

  3. Test it.

Create the Tubes

  1. Inside the sprites package, create a class Tube.

  2. Tube needs two Textures, topTube and bottomTube.

Hint: Instance variables should be private.

  1. Create a constructor that takes in a float x indicating the position where the tube should start.

Hint: Take a look at our image assets and figure out which one we should use to initialize our tubes.

  1. Tube needs a few more instance variables:
private static final int TUBE_GAP = 100; //opening between tubes
private static final int LOWEST_OPENING = 120; //lowest position the top of the bottom tube can be, must be above 90 to be above ground level
private static final int FLUCTUATION = 130; //may adjust to keep top tube in view
private Vector2 posTopTube, posBottomTube;
private Random rand;
  1. Initialize the tubes position using Random.
rand = new Random();
posTopTube = new Vector2(x, rand.nextInt(FLUCTUATION) + LOWEST_OPENING + TUBE_GAP);
posBottomTube = new Vector2(x, posTopTube.y - TUBE_GAP - bottomTube.getHeight());
  1. Generate Getters for top/bottom tubes and their respective positions.

  2. Inside the PlayState, create a tube and initialize its position on the x-axis to 100.

  3. Draw the tubes.

Hint: Take a look at how we drew the bird.

  1. Run it multiple times. What happens to the tube position?

Flying through obstacles

  1. In the Tube class, create a reposition method that takes in a float x and sets the positions of the top and bottom tubes.

Hint: You can use the same positions used to initialize posTopTube and posBotTube since they were positioned randomly.
Hint: Vector2 has a set method.

  1. In the PlayState class, create the following constants:
private static final int TUBE_SPACING = 125;
private static final int TUBE_COUNT = 4;
  1. Replace the tube in the PlayState class with an array of Tubes (Array<Tube> tubes).

  2. Initialize the array and add TUBE_COUNT tubes using tubes.add(new Tube(i * (TUBE_SPACING + Tube.TUBE_WIDTH)));

  3. In the Tube class, create a public constant for the TUBE_WIDTH and set it to 52.

  4. In the PlayState class, inside the update method, create the logic to reposition tubes when they get out of the camera viewport. Note that you will have to check it for each tube.

if(cam.position.x - cam.viewportWidth / 2 > tube.getPosTopTube().x + tube.getTopTube().getWidth()){
    tube.reposition(tube.getPosTopTube().x +((Tube.TUBE_WIDTH + TUBE_SPACING) * TUBE_COUNT));
  1. In the render method, remember to render all the tubes instead of just one.

  2. In the Bird class, create a constant MOVEMENT and set it to 100. This represents the horizontal movement of the bird.

  3. In the update method, make sure the position on the x axis is also updated by passing in MOVEMENT * dt as a paramenter to the x argument.

  4. In the PlayState class, update the camera's position in the game world based on the position of the bird. To do that, inside the update method set the cam.position.x equal to bird.getPosition().x + 80.

  5. At the end of the update method, tell libGDX that the camera has been repositioned by calling cam.update();.

Collision Detection

  1. To handle collisions, we'll draw rectangles around the tubes. In the class Tube, declare two objects of type Rectangle: boundsTop and boundsBot.

  2. Initialize them in the constructor.

Hint: The constructor for Rectangle takes in 4 parameters: the x coordinate, the y coordinate, the width, and the height. Since we want these rectangles to completely cover the tubes, how can we use instance variables and attributes from the Tube class to pass in the desired parameters for each rectangle?

  1. Remember to also reposition the rectangles in the reposition method.

Hint: Rectangle has a setPosition(float x, float y) method.

  1. Create a collides method that takes in a Rectangle player and returns true if the player overlaps the boundsTop or boundsBot, but false otherwise.

  2. Now we need to create a Rectangle bounds for the bird. Don't forget to initialize it.

  3. Every time the bird moves we need to update its bounds. Use the setPosition(float x, float y) to update the bounds whenever the bird moves.

  4. Create a getter method for bounds.

  5. In the PlayState class, we already have a for loop that cycles through our tubes inside the update method. We can use that same for loop to check if the bird collides with any tube. If there is a collision, call gsm.set(new PlayState(gsm)) and break out of the loop.

Dispose Resources

  1. In the GameStateManager, every time we pop a state we should dispose of it since we can't reuse states. Note that states.pop() is called twice in this class.

  2. In the MenuState class, remove the call to dispose from the handleInput method because now we're disposing of states when we pop them off. What happens when the method dispose from the MenuState class gets called?

  3. In the PlayState class, we need to dispose of bg, bird, and all of the tubes. Note that you'll have to implement the dispose methods for the Bird and Tube classes.

  4. Add log messages to the dispose methods in PlayState and MenuState.

  5. Run. You should see the log messages every times the game restarts.

Placing the Ground

  1. The ground will be created the same way as the tubes: it'll be declared as a Texture that gets repositioned every time it goes off of the screen. Create ground as an instance variable of the class PlayState, and initialize it using ground.png.

  2. Create groundPos1 and groundPos2 as instance variables of type Vector2. Initialize groundPos1 to the positions of the bottom left corner of our camera cam. Initialize groundPos2 to the position directly to the right of groundPos1.

  3. Draw the ground twice, at positions groundPos1 and groundPos2.

  4. Run. What do you notice?

  5. Create a constant GROUND_Y_OFFSET that equals to -50, and change the initial y value of groundPos1 and groundPos2 to this constant.

  6. Create a method updateGround() that checks if each of the ground right edges is to the left of the left edge of the viewport, ie, it checks if each of the ground projections are out of the camera's field of vision. If it is, use the method add(float x, float y) from the Vector2 class to update the ground position, ie, groundPos1 or groundPos2.

  7. Make sure to call updateGround() in the update method.

  8. Kill the bird if it hits the ground. You can do that by checking if the bird's position on the y axis is less than or equal to the y position of the top edge of the ground.

Hint: The top edge of the ground is the ground's height + offset.
Hint: To kill the bird, we do the same as we did when the bird collides with a tube: restart the game.

  1. Make sure to dispose of the ground Texture.

  2. Try it out!

Animating Sprites

  1. Inside of the sprites package, create a new class Animation.

  2. The Animation class needs the following attributes:

Array<TextureRegion> frames; //where we store all of our frames
float maxFrameTime; //this determines how long a frame needs to stay in view before switching to the next one
float currentFrameTime; //how long the animation has been in the current frame
int frameCount; //number of frames in our animation
int frame; //the current frame we're in

Hint: Are these private, protected, or public?

  1. Now we need to initialize these instance variables in the constructor:
public Animation(TextureRegion region, int frameCount, float cycleTime){
    frames = new Array<TextureRegion>();
    int frameWidth = region.getRegionWidth() / frameCount;
    for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++){
        frames.add(new TextureRegion(region, i * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth, region.getRegionHeight()));
    this.frameCount = frameCount;
    maxFrameTime = cycleTime / frameCount;
    frame = 0;
  1. We also need an update method to cycle through the frames.
public void update(float dt){
    currentFrameTime += dt;
    if(currentFrameTime > maxFrameTime){
        currentFrameTime = 0;
    if(frame >= frameCount)
        frame = 0;
  1. Finally, we need a getter for the frames.
public TextureRegion getFrame(){
    return frames.get(frame);
  1. In the Bird class, we need to create a birdAnimation, which will be initialized with birdanimation.png, a frame count of 3, and a cycle time of 0.5f.

  2. Now that we have a birdAnimation, we need to get rid of bird and replace it with the new texture, but remember this one is 3 times as wide.

  3. In update, update the birdAnimation and don't forget to pass in the delta time.

  4. In getTexture, now we need to return birdAnimation.getFrame() instead.

  5. Also update the dispose method to dispose of the new texture instead of bird.

Music & Sound Effects

  1. Find the music and sound effect files in our assets folder.

  2. Inside FlappyDemo, create a music instance variable of the type Music and initialize it to"music.mp3"))

  3. inside the constructor, set the configurations for music as follows:

  1. Create a dispose method (Generate > Override) and dispose of music.

  2. To create the sound effect, go to the Bird class and create an instance variable Sound flap, which will be initialized to"sfx_wing.ogg"))

  3. Inside the jump method, call To change the volume of the sound effect, pass in a float, say, 0.5f.

  4. Dispose of flap.

Porting to Android

  1. Go to android > AndroidManifest.xml and change the screenOrientation to portrait.

  2. Copy the cam.setToOrtho... from the PlayState to the MenuState.

  3. Copy the sb.setProjectionMatrix... from the PlayState to the MenuState.

  4. Update the following lines in the MenuState:

sb.draw(background, 0,0);
sb.draw(playBtn, cam.position.x - playBtn.getWidth() / 2, cam.position.y);


YouTube Tutorial Series - Creating Flappy Birds






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