Implementation of Factor-augmented Vector Autoregressive process (FAVAR(p)) based on Bernanke, Boivin, and Eliasz (2005)
import Pkg;
using LinearAlgebra, Distributions, Statistics, MultivariateStats;
using ProgressMeter;
using Gadfly, Colors;
Test dataset is downloaded from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED) - FAVAR-1
y = open("bernanke_etal_2005_qje.txt"); # Data from Bernanke et al. (2005)
kₘ = 14; # Number of variables in the main - VAR
yₘ = y[:, 1:kₘ]; # Variables in the macro block
yₚ = y[:, (kₘ + 1):end]; # Variables in the factor structure
# Other paramters needed.;
p = 12; # Lag order
ζ = 3; # Number of factors to be extracted
# Coefficient matrix, residuals, and covariance matrix.;
# (In order): coefficient, residual, covariance matrix - residual, factors, factor loadings.;
𝚩, 𝞄, 𝝨, 𝔽₁, ℾ₁ = func_favar(yₘ, yₚ, p, ζ);
Using the impulse response function from julia-VectorAR.jl, calculate responses,
ψ_lb_2sd, ψ_lb_1sd,
ψ_ub_1sd, ψ_ub_2sd,
FEVDC = func_IRFvar(vcat(y, 𝔽₁), p); # Results from impulse responses, bootstrap CI band, and FEVDC
# For calculating the responses, multiply factor loadings for those
ψ₁ = ψ[:, (kₘ+1):end] * 𝔽₁';
I recommend leveraging bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals Kilian (1998) as in Bernanke, Boivin, and Eliasz (2005). julia-VectorAR.jl uses recursive design, without adjustment.
-Justin J. Lee