Installation guide.
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.4.0p0 (2016-12-24 revision 57164) [x86_64-darwin16]
Go here to and choose your os version. Once you have your selected os, do everything up until the "Create a Workspace Folder"
you'll also need docker to run your postgres server. follow instructions to get docker and kitematic installed.
$ brew cask install docker
$ brew cask install kitematic
once installed running this command should output this. and you should see in the toolbar above
see /public/readme/docker.png
if the image is not displayed.
docker -v
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
kitematic can be run from the docker dock.
postgresql installation
Within Kitematic do a "+ new" search for postgres. There should be the default one from postgres. install that one. Once you have it installed and running, Click on "Settings" => "Hostname / Ports" Change the port value under "published ip:port" to 9001
You will need to create a database use and password in the new postgres db. you can connect to the docker/postgres db via command line or you can use your favorite gui. The instructions to use kitematic and comannd line are outlined here.
Command line
Within Kitematic, in the postgres image, click on the "exec" button, it will spawn open a terminal into the image.
Inside of the terminal you will type this.
# psql -U postgres -W
It will then ask you for a password. hit enter. and you should see this. Hooray you are now commandline psql.
Password for user postgres:
psql (9.6.3)
Type "help" for help.
creating the development database and user.
create user mainer with password 'mainermainermainer';
alter role mainer superuser createrole createdb replication;
create database mainer_development owner mainer;
You'll need to procure data in order to hydrate the database, this is done via ruby script
only run this if this directory dfp/raw
doesn't exist.
before running the file, you'll need to populate 2 attributes in the class
@@token = 'Token token="**********"'
@@basic = '**********'
command to procure data.
$ ruby /dfp/dataFetch.rb
in the command line, this will create the tables.
$ rails db:migrate
once you have all this installed. you should be able to now run
rails server
and go to http://localhost:3000 and see the page.